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dc.publisherAutomation Directen_US
dc.subjectOff Road Excellence: A case study of Precision Machining and craftsmanshipen_US
dc.subjectDive into Software Solutions that Support Additive Manufacturingen_US
dc.subjectHow PLM Can Improve Supply Chain and Design Synergy and Move Goods Fasteren_US
dc.subjectCAD/CAM Roundup: Engineering Software Productivity Tools and Servicesen_US
dc.subjectHannover Messe 2024: Open Ecosystems and Collaborations Steal the Showen_US
dc.subjectPairing of Slip Ring and Rotary Union Enable Automaker’s Robot Arm to Turn Screws Preciselyen_US
dc.subjectDIY or Collaborate? Navigating the Path to Optimal Linear Actuator Guidanceen_US
dc.subjectTwo-Shot Molding: wo-Shot Molding: The Advantages, Considerations and Real-World Applicationsen_US
dc.subjectElevating Precision Manufacturing with CNC Micromachiningen_US
dc.titleMachine Designen_US
Appears in Collections:Machine Design

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