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Keywords: REVIEW ARTICLES Advances in apple packaging: a review S.A. Bhat . D. Rizwan . S.A. Mir . S.M. Wani . EA. Masoodi
Use of fenugreek seed gum in edible film formation: major drawbacks and applicable methods to overcome S. Senarathna . S. Navaratne . I. Wickramasinghe . R. Coorey
Arsenic contamination in rice, radiation and chemical methods of measurement, and implications for food safety S.Sabbagh
Application of natural extracts as active ingredient in biopolymer based packaging systems D. Dutta . N. Sit
The influence of insect-derived and marine-based diets on sensory quality of poultry meat and egg: a systematic review A.R.Shavildo
Green technology approach for heavy metal adsorption by agricultural and food industry solid wastes as bio-adsorbents: a review S. Mathew- J.e. Soans . R. Rachitha· M.S. Shilpalekha- S.G.S. Gowda- P. Juvvi . A.K. Chakka
ORIGINAL ARTICLES Use of electrochemical methods to determine the effect of brewing techniques (Espresso, Turkish and Filter coffee) and roasting levels on the antioxidant capacity of coffee beverage S. Yildirim· E. Demir- I. Gok· H.Y. Aboul-Enein
Development and characterization of a new active and intelligent packaging system based on soluble soybean polysaccharide-Malva sylvestris extract M. Jafarian . P. Taghinia . S. Sedaghati
Detection of moisture ratio and carotenoid compounds in mamey (Pouteria sapota) fruit during dehydration process using spectroscopic techniques G. Lopez-Morales- M.F. Lopez-paez· P. Lopez- R. Carriles . H. Vilchis
Evaluation of multicomplex systems on pomegranate concentrate loaded alginate hydrogels by low-field NMR relaxometry: physicochemical characterization and controlled release study S. Cikrikci Erunsal
Triple layer hermetic bags for safe storage.of-dry Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) pods M.R. Kunreddy . S. Pidigam . H. Sudini . G. Amarapalli . R.R. Komatireddy . y. Margam
Development of the dairy products incorporated with co-product bioactive compounds-rich as an alternative ingredient in the food industry H.E.A. de Barros· L.S. Soares- e.Y.L. Natarelli . A.L.M. de Oliveira S.A. de Sousa Campos . LA. Santos- E.E.N. de Carvalho· E.Y. de Barros Vilas Boas- M. Franco
Facile analysis of mycotoxin in coffee and tea samples using a novel semi-automated in-syringe based fast mycotoxin extraction (FaMEx) technique coupled with direct-injection ESI-MSIMS analysis K. Prakasham· S. Gurrani . J. Shiea· M.-T. Wu . R.R. Singhania . A.K. Patel· Ci-D. Dong· . Y.-e. Lin· B. Tsai . P.-C. Huang· G. Andaluri· Y.K. Ponnusamy
Clarification of citrus fruit juices using microfiltration technique equipped with indigenously developed novel ceramic membrane K.Y.Y. Satyannarayana . S.L. Sandhya Rani· R. Vinoth Kuma
Effect of retrograded starch with different amylose content on the rheological properties of stored yogurt M.A. Dircio-Morales . G. Velazquez- I. Sifuentes-Nieves- P.e. Flores-Silva- H.A. Fonseca-Florido . G. Mendez-Montealvo
Effect of heat treatments on quinoa germ quality and its storage study A. Ray- A. Kumar· R.S. Matche . A.K. Srivastava· S.D. Sakhare
Combination of enzymatically hydrolyzed potato powder with skimmed milk powder on the quality improvements of yogurt during refrigeration storage I. Ahmad- Z. Xiong· X. Hanguo· F. Lyu· N. Khalid· R.M. Aadil . A Ahmad- N. Walayat . A Mujtaba . A. Iqbal· M. Hao· Y. Li
Study on the utilization of by-products of wheat milling industry for the development of biodegradable plates A. Rana O. Dogiparthi- S.D. Sakhare· B.Y. Sathyendra Rao· AA Inamdar
Chemometric analysis for authentication of 'Syrah' and 'Tempranillo' red wines of San Francisco Valley-Brazil compared to wines from other world regions by the molecular profile in HPLC D.L.L. Dantas· G.E. Pereira A.L. de Souza M. dos Santos Lima
The optimization of sequential fermentation in the dealcoholized apple juice for reducing lipids H. Li . F. Gao . Z. Wang· Z. Gao
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-60;Number-7
ISSN: 0022-1155
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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