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dc.publisherAccess Intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectSPEAKING OF POWER Deployment of Carbon Capture Technology Likely to Explode in Coming Yearsen_US
dc.subjectGLOBAL MONITOR-South Africa Energy Crisis at Critical Stage as Load-Shedding Continuesen_US
dc.subjectTHE BIG PICTURE: U.S.-Combined Heat and Power and Microgridsen_US
dc.subjectSolar Power/Hydrogen Project Underway in DRCen_US
dc.subjectTrial Operation of Innovative Horizontal Pelton Hydropower Turbine Underway in Austriaen_US
dc.subjectPOWER Digesten_US
dc.subjectFOCUSONO&M Modemizing Cybersecurity Practices Within Utilities Improve Electric Grid Resilience Throughen_US
dc.subjectIntegration of Energy Storage at EV Charging Stationsen_US
dc.subjectLEGAL & REGULATORY Renewables Need More Domestic Production of Minerals 16 By Karol Kahalley, Laura Granier, and Erica Nannini, Holland and Hart LLPen_US
dc.subjectCOVER FOCUS: COMBINED HEAT & POWER A Complex Landscape for the Future of Combined Heat and Power 18 Combined heat and power (CHP), a mature distributed resource, faces head- winds as the world races to decarbonize, owing to its reliance on fossil fuels. But the CHP market is adapting. Along with key market shifts, the sector is leading power sector incorporation of low-emission fuels, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen.en_US
dc.subjectFEATURES: ENERGY STORAGE New Technologies, New Sites Supporting Growth of Energy Storage 22 Energy storage, whether from batteries, pumped hydropower, thermal systems or other technology, is benefiting from the trend toward electrification. It also is growing in importance as a way to support the integration of renewable energy to the power grid.en_US
dc.subjectPOWER MARKET ANALYSIS The Challenges and Opportunities Facing Power Companies Today 26 Investors are finding new opportunities in the energy sector, and utilities are finding new ways to leverage their assets. Power generators, with the advent of new technologies, ~re today major players in the financial markets.en_US
dc.subjectMARNIE SURFACEBLOW When Theory Becomes Practice, Rely on Practical Experience as a Foundation 29 Marnie and Maya travel to the Philippines to troubleshoot issues at a test facil- ity for torrefaction of biomass. The pair find many problems at the facility, not least of which is a safety issue that puts workers in serious danger. However, their recommendations are sure to get the plant operating more safely, reli- ably, and efficiently.en_US
dc.subjectFINANCE Understanding How Securitization Can Help with Power Plant Retirements 32 Utilities know it can be costly to close a power plant, but also know that choice can be necessary. Securitization is a tool that power generators can use to lessen the cost of taking a plant out of serviceen_US
dc.subjectGAS TURBINE An Unplanned Outage, an Unconventional Plan, and a Global Collaboration 34 A project to repair a gas turbine at a power plant in the UK became a global collaboration, with the parts needed for the repairs located at a facility in Argentina. What followed was a model of international cooperation to make the logistics-which included bringing in another important part from Swit- zerland -work. Protecting Gas Turbines from High Temperatures, Humidity, and Dust 36 Operators of natural gas-fired power plants are always trying to improve the efficiency of their facility's turbines. A changing climate is making those efforts more challenging, which means today's turbines need better filtration systems to protect them from harsh conditionsen_US
dc.subjectCYBERSECURITY Cyber Resilience for Wind Power Installations Web Recent research at two national laboratories has provided insight into cyber- security strategies and business cases for cybersecurity investments. These findings will help renewable sector entities tailor an approach to evaluating and implementing cybersecurity technologies for wind power plants. (Visit and search "Cyber Resilience forWind Power" to read this online-only exclusive.en_US
dc.subjectCOMMENTARY America-and the World-Needs More Nuclear Power 40 By Jeremy Harrell, ClearPath and U.S. Nuclear Industry Councien_US
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