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Inborn Metabolic Disorders: The Winding Path Ahead, in the Road Less Traveled K. Vaidyanathan- Member, IFCC-ISNS Task Force for Newborn Screening
REVIEWARTICLES A Critical Appraisal of the New Competency-Based Medical Undergraduate Curriculum in Biochemistry S.P. Dandekar· F. Mahdi· T.V. Chacko
A Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness of Recombinant Interleukin-l1 Versus Papaya Leaf Extract for Treatment of Thrombocytopenia: A Review K.P. Mishra . 1. Bakshi . G. Sharma- S. Singh- U. Panjwani
ORIGINALRESEARCHARTICLES Metabolic Analysis of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Single Nucleotide Polymorph isms (MTHFR 677C<T and MTHFR 1298A<C), Serum Folate and Vitamin B12 in Neural Tube Defects M.H. Hassan M.A Raslan . M. Tharwat . H.M. Sakhr . E.E.-S. EI-Khateeb . S.F. Sakr . H.H. Ameen· A.R. Hamdan
Assessment of Vitamin D Levels and Other Bone Related Biochemical Markers in Healthy Adults in Rural Population of Uttarakhand, India AA Mirza- H. Rathi . S. Dakshinamurthy . B. Goyal . S. Saha . V. Saxena V. Kalyani- R Kumar . M. Naithani
Leadcare® II Comparison with Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry for Blood Lead Measurement in Peruvian Highlands 1.Rosales-Rimache. M. Chavez-Ruiz . J. Inolopu-Cucche . 1.Rabanal-Sanchez. L. Rueda-Torres· G. Sanchez-Holguin
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Nanoencapsulation of Docetaxel Induces Concurrent Apoptosis and Necroptosis in Human Oral Cancer Cells (SCC-9) via TNF -a/RIP1iRIP3 Pathway P. Gupta- A. Singh AK. Verma S. Kant· AK. Pandey· A. Mishra· P. Khare· V. Prakash
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A Pilot Study on Blood Components in COVID-19 Affected Subjects: A Correlation to UPR Signalling and ER-Stress A Bansal- S. Kumar- N. Rai . S. Kumari . V. Kumar . A Kumar· N.C. Chandra
The KL genetic polymorphisms Associated with type 2 diabetes Mellitus H.-S. Jin . D. Jung
SHORT COMMUNICATION Association of Micronutrients with Tuberculosis Development in HIV Infected Patients D. Banyal . S. Sharma- AK. Ram . K. Kaur . RS. Jassal . S. Attri . A. Sharma- K. Sharma- S. Laal . I. Verma
Atypical Case of Highly Mutated h- TERT Promoter in Germline Genome from Buccal Mucosa Cancer R. Prasad- S. Panchal . I. Rani- G. Parashar . 1. Kishan . M. Bhatnagar
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-38;Number-3
ISSN: 0970-1915
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (CHE)

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