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Title: Network Issues in Clock Synchronization on Distributed Database
Other Titles: (In) International Journal of Database Theory and Application
Authors: Hazra, Rumpa
Keywords: Database
operating system
Issue Date: Jun-2009
Publisher: Penncilvenia State University
Series/Report no.: Vol :2;No : 2
Abstract: Synchronization of clocks in distributed system has been an important area of research over the last decade. There are various methods of achieving clock synchronization depending on the requirements of the situation. A clock synchronization service ensures that spatially dispersed and heterogeneous processors in a distributed system share a common notion of time. In order to behave as a single, unified computing resource, distributed systems have need for a synchronization of drifting clocks and several algorithms have been proposed on this topic. Our paper highlights total network connection between different processors (alias nodes) of the system, We provide a simple, efficient, and unified algorithm for clock synchronization that can minimize the total network connection of the system.
Appears in Collections:Computer Science And Engineering (Publications)

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