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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol : 60;Number-1-
dc.subjectReview of Cocos nucifera L. testa-derived phytonutrients with special reference to phenolics and its potential for encapsulation S.Y. Ramesh R Pandiselvam· P.P. Shameena Beegum· R.M. Saravana Kumar- M.R Manikantan . K.B. Hebbaren_US
dc.subjectRecent innovations in functionality and shelf life enhancement of ghee, clarified"butter fat S. Kumbhare· W. Prasad- K. Khamrui· AD. Wani· J.Sahuen_US
dc.subjectCombination of ohmic heating and subcritical water to recover amino acids from poultry slaughterhouse waste at a pilot-scale: new valorization technique Z.A. Kadem . AR. Al-Hilphy . M.H. Alasadi . M. Gavahianen_US
dc.subjectCorrection: Combination of ohrnic heating and subcritical water to recover amino acids from poultry slaughterhouse waste at a pilot-scale: new valorization technique Z.A. Kadem· AR Al-Hilphy· M.H. Alasadi M. Gavahianen_US
dc.subjectAntioxidant and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE-I) inhibitory activities of protein hydrolysates derived from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) liver N.B. Maheswarappa R Banerjee- M. Muthukumaren_US
dc.subjectdentification and characterization of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) candidate from Gonggong Sea Snail (Leavistrombus turiurella) extract L. Viruly . M.T. Suhartono . M. Nurilmala . S. Saraswati . N. Andarwulanen_US
dc.subjectCassava starch and chickpea flour pre-treated by microwave as a substitute for gluten-free bread additives RP. Garske· G.D. Mercali . RC.S. Thys . F. Cladera-Oliveraen_US
dc.subjectAntimicrobial and antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts from walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husk by using pressure-driven membrane process H. Arslan . E. Ondul Koc . Y. Ozay . O. Canli . S. Ozdemir· G. Tollu . N. Dizgeen_US
dc.subjectCombination of chemical coaguIation and membrane-based separation for dairy wastewater treatment AC. Bortoluzzi . c.E. Demaman Oro· M.S.N. dos Santos· M.L. Mignoni· RM. Dallago- J. Steffens- M.Y Tresen_US
dc.subjectThe thermal resistance and targeting release of zein-sodium alginate binary complexes as a vehicle for the oral delivery of riboflavin X. Ge· Y. Sun- J. Kong· M. Mao· H. Yu- A Arora I. Suppavorasatit . Y. Wangen_US
dc.subjectAlternative technologies for the production of popped sorghum: a comparative study G.G. Vazquez-Sosa . AH. Cabrera-Ramirez· M.L. Reyes-Vega- E. Morales-Sanchez· M. Gaytan-Martinez- L.B. Vega-Vazquezen_US
dc.subjectMolecular dynamic (in silico) modeling of structure-function of glutelin type-B 5-like from proso millet storage protein: effects of temperature and pressure F Akharume . A. Adedejien_US
dc.subjectCombined antibodies against internalins A and B proteins have potential application in immunoassay for detection of Listeria monocytogenes L. Lopes-Luz . E. Silva-Filho . M. Mendonca . A.N. Moreira: A Venceslau D.R de Sousa· T.G. Sanchez- RS. de Moura FR Conceicao . A Kipnis- M.M.A Stefani- S. Buhrer-Sekulaen_US
dc.subjectDevelopment of an on-site lateral flow immune assay based on mango leaf derived coUoidal silver nanoparticles for rapid detection of Staphylococcus aureus in milk R Deb· P. Chaudhary· P. Pal· RS. Tomar· M. Roshan- Parmanand . A Ludri . YK. Gupta S. Deen_US
dc.subjectFortifying jelly foods with microencapsulated anti-anaemic compounds, ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid and folic acid N.A Handayani . K. Mulia . S. Kartohardjono . E.A. Krisantien_US
dc.subjectNovel detection method to rapidly quantify toxic cucurbitacin in Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd) c.K. Saurabh . S.K. Ghosh- B. Sanyalen_US
dc.subjectequence alterations affect the antidiabetic attributes of hazelnut peptide fractions during the industrial manufacture and simulated digestion of hazelnut paste A.G. Goksu . B. c;aktr· i Giilserenen_US
dc.subjectCorrelation between the chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of cream cheese using a mixed and single probiotic culture R.D. Tologana . R. Wikandari . E.S. Rahayu . D.A. Suroto . T. Utamien_US
dc.subjectStructure, in vitro starch digestibility and physicochemical properties of starch isolated from germinated Bambara groundnut C.E. Chinma· J.O. Abu- F.H. Molabi· P. Nwankwo· J.A. Adebo . S.A. Oyeyinka· P.B. Njobeh . O.A. Adeboen_US
dc.subjectSynergy of I-MCP and hypobaric treatments prevent fermented flavour and improve consumers' acceptability of 'Shughri' pear A. Ahmad- M.S. Hashmi . Y. Durrani . N.A. Khan . M.R. Khan . M.Z. Siddiqi- A. Riaz . M. Alam . W.V. Rahmanen_US
dc.subjectEvaluation of the antimicrobial attribute of bioactive peptides derived from colostrum whey fermented by Lactobacillus against diarrheagenic E. coli strains R. Kashyap· K.S. Narayan- S. Vijen_US
dc.subjectComparison of energy consumption, color, ascorbic acid and carotenoid degradation in guava (Psidium guajava) pulp during conventional and ohmic heating Vc. Giuliangeli . G.R. Stroher . M.A. Shiraien_US
dc.subjectClassification, quality characteristics, sensory perception and texture prediction of wooden breast myopathy in broilers from Argentina T.A. L6pez . P.A. Garcia· L. Tica . F. Pieniazek . C. Schebor· N. Sosaen_US
dc.subjectRetardation of oxidative rancidity in ghee adding orange peel powder at different storage temperature S. Ahmed- Mst.V. Habiba· Md.D. Hossain- S.A.M. Hoque Md.M. Rahmanen_US
dc.subjectAnti-inflammatory potential of turmeric, amIa, and black pepper mixture against sepsis-induced acute lung injury in rats M. Nagaraju . K.K. Kalahasti . K.P. Reddy· V.R. Addi . M. Satyavani- G.B. Reddy S.S. Reddyen_US
dc.subjectAntibacterial efficacy of Enterococcus microencapsulated bacteriocin on Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua and Listeria ivanovi R. Rarnalho . N.A.A. de Souza- T.F.M. Moreira- A. De Oliveira H.F. Perini- M.C. Furlaneto . F.V Leimann . L. Furlaneto-Maiaen_US
dc.subjectThe quality characteristics of probiotic yogurts enriched with carob flour: ultrasonication effects, at different production stages ~.. V Akdenizen_US
dc.subjectolysaccharides from apple pomace exhibit anti-fatigue activity through increasing glycogen content C. Li . X. Zhu . J. Zhang· T. Xu . H. Zhang· Z. Zheng . R.R. Kumaren_US
dc.subjectGallic acid-fortified buckwheat Wantuo: characteristics of in vitro starch digestibility, antioxidant and eating quality D. Wu . F. Ge . H. Ma . R. Xia . W. Cheng· X. Tangen_US
dc.subjectEffect of fermentation on the antioxidant properties and phenolic compounds of Bambangan (Mangifera pajang) fruit S.T. Chan . B.S. Padam . F.Y. Chyeen_US
dc.subjectEffect of fermentation on the antioxidant properties and phenolic compounds of Bambangan (Mangifera pajang) fruit S.T. Chan . B.S. Padam . F.Y. Chyeen_US
dc.subjectCharacterization and identification of inulin from Pachyrhizus erosus and evaluation of its antioxidant and in-vitro prebiotic efficacy A. Bhanja . S.K. Paikra . P.P. Sutar . M. Mishraen_US
dc.subjectPhysicochemical properties and angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory activity of lipid-free ribbon fish (Lepturacanthus savala) protein hydrolysate V.G. Yathisha M. Tanaaz· I. Bhat· F. Luckose· B.S. Marnathaen_US
dc.subjectAntagonist action of Lactobacillus acidophilus against pathogenic strains in goat milk yogurt M.U.F.O. Menezes· G.c. Bevilaqua . I.R. da Silva Nascimento· G.N. da Cruz Ximenes . S.A.c. Andrade- N.M. dos Santos Cortez Barbosaen_US
dc.subjectExtraction, microencapsulation, and application of anthocyanins from jucara palm fruit (Euterpe edulis Mart.): enhancement of natural pigment T.T. da Silva Crozatti . C.S. Mangolim . P.V Larentis . J.C.P. de Mello· G. Matiolien_US
dc.subjectInhibitory effects of hexanal on acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs) production to disrupt biofilm formation and enzymes activity in Erwinia carotovora and Pseudomonas fluorescens Y. Zhang· H. Yu . Y. Xie . Y. Guo . Y. Cheng· W. Yaoen_US
dc.subjectAmperometric microbial biosensor for sugars and sweetener classification using principal component analysis in beverages L. Vmar· v.A. Rosandi . R.N. Setiadi· B. Agustirandi· T.M. Linda- B. Kuswandien_US
dc.subjectEffect of adding vegetable oils to starches from different botanical origins on physicochemical and digestive properties and amylose-lipid complex formation R. Photinam . A. Moongngarmen_US
dc.subjectDestalking of dry red chillies (Capsicum annum L.) and its characterization K. Jalgaonkar . M.K. Mahawar . R.K. Vishwakarmaen_US
dc.subjectWater sorption isotherms on lyophilized jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) peel: potential byproduct for the production of dehydrated foods A.P.D. Castel- A.1. Kaufmann- C.M. Endres- W.S. Robazza· A.T. Paulinoen_US
dc.subjectFurther articles can be found at link.springer.comJjournal/13197 2018 Impact Factor: 1.797 Indexed/abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), lournal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed (12 months embargo), PubMedCentral, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, CSA, ProQuest, CAB International, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, EI-Compendex, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Global Health, Indian Science Abstracts, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SClmago, Summon by ProQuest, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts Instructions for Authors for 1Food Sci Technol are available at www.springer.comJ13197en_US
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