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Title: A new classification of path-delay fault testability in terms of stuck-at faults
Other Titles: (In) Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Majumder, Subhashis
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Hybrid
Series/Report no.: Vol : 19;Issue : 6
Abstract: A new classification of path-delay fault testability in a combinational circuit is presented in terms of testability of stuck-at faults in an equivalent circuit. Earlier results describing correlation of path-delay and stuck-at faults are either incomplete, or use a complex model of equivalent circuit based on timing parameters. It is shown here that a path-delay fault (rising or falling) is testable if and only if certain single or multiple stuck-at fault in the equivalent circuit is testable. Thus, all aspects of path-delay faults related to testability under various classification schemes can be interpreted using the stuck-at fault model alone. The results unify most of the existing concepts and provide a better understanding of path-delay faults in logic circuits.
Appears in Collections:Computer Science And Engineering (Publications)

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