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Page-709-COVID-19 Diagnostics: A Panoramic View on Its Present Scenario, Challenges and Solutions M. Quraishi . S.K. Upadhyay . A Nigam
Page-723-Anogeissus Species in Rajasthan (India): A Comprehensive Review on an Unexplored Plant A. Dadhich . L. Sharma- M. Dhiman . P. Dhawan . A. Singh- M.M. Sharma
Page-731-Parasites as Emerging Biomonitoring Tools-Promises and Pitfalls U.R. Zargar· M.Z. Chishti- M.1.Rather· M. Rehman
Page-741-Cultivation and conservation of underutilized medicinal and agricultural plants in India R. Gupta- A Nigam- R. Kapila
Page-747-Novel Green Synthesis of Combinational Silver Nanoparticies using Jatropha integerrima for Dengue Vector Control and Cytotoxicity Assessment A. Verma- S. Preet
Page-759-Reflectance Based Models for Non-Destructive Prediction of Lycopene Content in Tomato Fruits R. Kumar· V. Paul- R. Pandey - R.N. Sahoo . V.K. Gupta
Page-771-Green synthesis of silver nanoparticies using Momordica cymbalaria aqueous leaf extracts and screening of their antimicrobial activity' AgNPs studies in Momordica cymbalaria C. Gopu . P. Chirumamilla· S. Kagithoju- S. Taduri
Page-783-Phytochemical and Morphological Traits of Ginger Cultivars are Modulated by Agro-Climatic Conditions A. Das . D.U. Behera . R.K. Sahoo . D.P. Barile . E. Subudhi
Page-791-Weed Management in Maize Through Integration of Drip Irrigation, Mulch and Herbicide K. Mbagatuzinde . M.S. Bhullar- T. Kaur . AS. Brar
Page-801-Ex-situ Evaluation of Chironomid Larvae as a Potential Supplementary Food in Aquaculture S. Nath· S. Samanta- R. Podder· L. Weltje· B.K. Modak
Page-807-Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Kokilaksham kashayam on L"ipopolysacch~ride Stimulated RAW 264.7 Macrophages T. Merlin- M.B. Bashi· S.J.R. Devi- B.P. Kumar
Page-817-Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Orchids Along an Altitudinal Gradient: Pindari Valley, West Himalaya R. Suyal- P. Joshi· A Bahukhandi· S. Bhandari
Page-825-Effective and Reliable Protocol for DNA Isolation from Polyphenolic Leaves and Fruits of Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Robs. R. Ramachandran· B. Vishnu- A Gangaprasad . E.A. Siri
Page-833-ostmortem Changes of Cage-Farmed Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Stored in Ice P. Viji· B. Madhusudana Rao· P.K. Binsi· J. Debbarma
Page-843-Post-Harvest Preservation of Whole Kinnow Fruit Using Betel Leaf Extract Coating C. Sarma- P. Rasane . S. Kaur . J. Singh· D. Kaur . K. Dhawan· S. Gurumayum· A Kumar- N. Kaur
Page-853-Biomass and Carbon Stock of Trees Growing in Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam, India J.Y. Yurnnam . N. Dey
Page-861-arbon Stock Availability in Forests of the Zabarwan Mountain Range in Kashmir Himalaya V.A Khan . S.M. Haq . U. Yaqoob . F. Bashir . M. Hassan
Page-869-Study of Species and Functional Group Composition of Ants in Joypur forest, Bankura, West Bengal, India R. Majumder
Page-879-Livestock and Herder Activities in Traditional Husbandry System in Semi-Arid Rangeland of Iran I. Haghiyan
Page-889-soorientin Isolated from the Algerian Halophyte Limonium thouinii (Viv.) Kuntze as a Multifunctional Cosmetic Ingredient: Antioxidant and Photoprotective Effects Evaluation M. Lefahal- E.-H. Makhloufi . A. Boussetla· R. Ayad- S.A. Rayane . S. Akkal
Page-897-Performance Assessment of Intererops as Trap Crop for the Management of Thrips in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) . Suitable Intercrops for the Management of Thrips in Cotton M. Amutha- K. Sankaranarayanan· V. Anisha
Page-907-Participatory Evaluation and Selection of Improved Food Barley Varieties in the Highland Potential Areas of Central Ethiopia Y. Kassa· T. Ayele· B. Teferra- A. Abie
Page-919-Spider Web: A Natural Sampler for Analysis of Airborne Pollen-Spores from Santiniketan, West Bengal S. Oraon . S. Pal· P. Bhandari- S. Mondal
Page-929-Proximate and Fatty Acid Compositions of Four Therapeutic and Nutritional Plants for two Consecutive Years i. Ekin
Page-939-Effect of Different Proportions of Phenolics on Antioxidant Potential: Pointers for Bioactive Synergy/Antagonism in Foods and Nutraceuticals T. Joshi· P.R. Deepa- P.K. Sharma
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-92;ISSUE-04
ISSN: 0369-8211
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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