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Title: POWER
Keywords: POWER
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Morocco Project Could Support UK's Renewable Goals, Hydrogen Economy
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COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL POWER . Reliability, Resiliency,Cost, and Climate Driving C&I Power Systems 20 Businesses, college campuses, healthcare facilities, and other commercial and industrial sites are increasingly turning to onsite power generation as they work to control energy costs, and ensure a more reliable and resilient supply of electricity.
PLANT DECOMMISSIONING New Life for Dead and Dying Coal Plants? 24 Real estate is valuable, and the sites of retired coal plants are no exception. Plants have valuable materials that can be recycled, and there are instances where demolition is not needed-the buildings can be repurposed, includ ing using infrastructure to support new generation resources, or even as commercial space.
PLANT SUPPLIES Gaskets and Fasteners:What Sets a Supplier Apart? 28 Gaskets and fasteners may seem like mundane power plant items, but if you don't have the one you need to get your unit back online, that pocket-change item could end up costing your company thousands of dollars in lost produc tivity. Having the right supplier could be a
SOLAR POWER Solar Power Plant Maintenance with Thermal UAV InspectionTechnology 30 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) save time and make completing inspec tions far easier and safer than performing the task with hand-held devices. With dual-camera attachments, inspectors can feel confident that no real anomalies will be missed and that false indications can be quickly identified and rejected.
MARNIE SURFACEBLOW What Is KillingThis Biomass Boiler? Marnie and Maya Are on the Case! 36 When a Louisiana power plant with a stoker furnace designed to burn sugar cane waste adds poultry litter to its fuel supply, slag becomes a problem. Marnie and Maya investig
PLANT FLEXIBILITY Optimizing Power Plant Load Flexibility 40 Managing the variability of renewable energy resources is of increasing im portance to traditional power generators. Implementing field-proven control solutions provides a way to mitigate impacts on efficiency and reliability.
ElECTRICAL Commissioning and AcceptanceTestingAre the Foundation for Total Electrical System LifecycleManagement Web To manage the challenges of today's complex electrical power systems and tightening budgets, facility managers need to understand the critical connec tion between electrical commissioning and acceptance testing, and planning for lifecycle management. This article reviews the scope of services required for each stage of the process. (Visit and search "Total Electri cal System Lifecycle Management" to read this online
Page-44-COMMENTARY Energy Security = National Security: How the West Needs to Reindustrialize, Rethink Energy Policy By Craig Golinowski, Carbon Infrastructure Partner
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: Access Intelligence
Series/Report no.: Volume 166;Number 6
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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