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Keywords: | JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2022 June Present and pioneer methods of early detection of food borne pathogens G. Vidyadharani· H.K. Vijaya Bhavadharani . P. Sathishnath- S. Ramanathan· P. Sariga A. Sandhya· S. Subikshaa . S. Sugumar Mayonnaise main ingredients influence on its structure as an emulsion M. Taslikh· N. Mollakhalili-Meybodi· A.M. Alizadeh· M.-M. Mousavi· K. Nayebzadeh· A.M. Mortazavian Nutritional, physical and sensory characteristics of bread with the inclusion of germinated basul (Erythrina edulis) flour F. Vilcanqui-Perez- G. Chaquilla-Quilca· V.H. Sarmiento-Casavilca . C.N. Cespedes-Orosco y. Ventura-Saldivar Quality changes in fish sausages supplemented with pangas protein isolates as affected by frozen storage and casing material V.K.R. Surasani· C.V. Raju . A. Singh- S. Joshi Hydrolysis of peanut (Arachis hypogea L) protein concentrate by fungal crude protease extract: effect on structural, functional and in-vitro protein digestibility D.N. Yadav . N.A. Mir . R. Wadhwa . S. Tushir . S. Sethi R.K. Anurag . H.S. Oberoi Occurrence of multiple drug-resistant Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli in raw milk samples collected from retail outlets in South India 1. Joseph· S. Kalyanikutty Page-2160-Effect of buttermilk and skimmed milk powder on the properties of low-fat yoghurt A. Garczewska-Murzyn . M. Smoczyriski . N. Kotowska . K. Kielczewska Water activity relations of spoilage fungi associated with smoke-dried catfish (Clarias gariepinus) sold in some open markets in Nigeria A.A. Fasuan . B. Akin-Obasola . B.O. Abiodun Low-glycemic foods with wheat, barley and herbs (Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Emblica officinalis) inhibit a-amylase, a~glucosidase '~'nd DPP IV activity in high fat and low dose streptozotocin induced diabetic rat A. Das . J. Naveen . Y.N. Sreerama . B.S. Gnanesh Kumar . V. Baskaran Rheological behaviour, physical and sensory properties of orange fleshed sweet potato and soy concentrate bread R.O. Oloniyo· O.S. Omoba- 0.0. Awolu Effect of cashew nut protein concentrate substitution on the physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity and consumer acceptability of wheat bread S. Azeez· C.E. Chinma· A.J. Makanjuola- R.O. Afolabi F.L. Kolawole . A. Yohanna Effects of extrusion temperature and puffing technique on physical and functional properties of purpled third generation snack after heat treatment H. Kantrong· S. Klongdee . S. Jantapirak· N. Limsangouan· W. Pengpinit Low carbohydrate high fat flour: its rheology, bread making, physico-sensory and staling characteristics S. Rao· K. Ashwath Kumar· D. Indrani Quality assessment of nutri-cereal bran rich fraction enriched buns and muffins M.D. Barbhai . T.V. Hymavathi . A. Kuna . S. Mulinti . S. Voliveru Production of oven-baked wheat chips enriched with red lentil: an optimization study by response surface methodology S. Babacan Cevik . K. Kahraman . L. Ekici Improved cholesterol depletion with enhanced astaxanthin and polyunsaturated fatty acids of lipid from Pacific white shrimp cephalothorax using prior ethanolic separation of polar lipid and fJ-Cyciodextrin N. Raju . T. Sae-leaw . K. Osako . S. Benjakul Upscale fermenter design for lactic acid production from cheese whey permeate focusing on impeller selection and energy optimization MK Mediboyina- N.M. Holden· S. O'Neill· K. Routledge· B. Morrissey- F. Lawless· F.Murphy Antioxidative capacity of fresh kombucha cheese fortified with sage herbal dust and its preparations D. Vukic . B. Pavlic· V. Vukic . M.llicic· K. Kanuric . M. Bjekic . Z. Zekovic High-added value co-products obtained from pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) using a green extraction technology G. Polmann . G.B. Rossi- G.L. Teixeira- L.G. Maciel A. de Francisco- A.C.M. Arisi- I.M. Block· M.M.C. Feltes Peptidomic profiling of fermented goat milk: considering the fermentation-time dependent proteolysis by Lactobacillus and characterization of novel peptides with Antioxidative activity G. Panchal A. Sakure· S. Hati Characterization of a synergistic antioxidant synthetic peptide from sea cucumber and pine nut Y. Dong· L. Sun- C. Ma· S. Zhang· L. Zhong· s. Lin Effect of hybrid drying on the quality attributes of formulated instant banana-milk powders and shakes during storage M. Kumar- Rekha R. Gehlot . R. Sindhu . D.K. Mahato . S. Arora Comparative biological analyses on kenger and kenger coffee as novel functional food products S. Gezici· N. Sekeroglu -Quality improvement of sweet rice wine fermented with Rhizopus dele mar on key aroma compounds content, phenolic composition, and antioxidant capacity compared to Rhizopus oryzae Y. Yang· H. Zhong· N. Yang· S. xo T. Yang Fortification of ready-to-eat extruded snacks with tree bean powder: nutritional, antioxidant, essential amino acids, and sensory properties M.R. Sahoo . A. Kuna . M.P. Devi . M. Sowmya . M. Dasgupta Antioxidant and anti-proliferative activity of free, conjugates and bound phenolic compounds from tomato and industrial tomato by-product X.P. Perea-Dominguez· 1.A. Mendoza-Espinoza I.M. Solano Gonzalez· 1.B. Leyva-Morales L.G. Espinosa-Alonso- M. Valdez-Morales Design, development and performance evaluation of rotary onion grader R.D. Bisen . P.H. Bakane . S.R. Sakkalkar Physicochemical and structural properties of dietary fiber from Rosa roxburghii pomace by steam explosion X. Zhai· H. Ao· W. Liu- 1. Zheng· X. Li· D. Ren Preparation and evaluation of novel functional fermented dairy products containing pro polis and cinnamon A. Gunes-Bayir . M.G. Bilgin . D. Guc1u . S. Pogda . A. Dadak Development and performance evaluation of hand operated mango seed decorticator P. Nayak . K. Rayaguru . U.S. Pal . S.K. Dash Effect of protein enrichment on quality characteristics and glycemic index of gluten free sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) spaghetti N.A. Giri . B.K. Sakhale Statistical modeling for temporal dominance of sensations data incorporating individual characteristics of panelists: an application to data of milk chocolate S. Kurata . R. Kuroda- F. Komaki Correction to: Statistical modeling for temporal dominance of sensations data incorporating individual characteristics of panelists: an application to data of milk chocolate S. Kurata . R. Kuroda- F. Komaki Osmo-air drying of banana slices: multivariate analysis, process optimization and product quality characterization R. Rai . P. Rani- P.P. Tripathy Development and evaluation of onion bulb descaler for removal and collection of surface dry peel A.E. Kate- D.A. Pawar . S.K. Chakraborty . K. Gorepatti Occurrence and exposure assessment of Aflatoxin M. in milk and milk products in India D. Hattimare· S. Shakya· A. Patyal· C. Chandrakar· A. Kumar |
Issue Date: | Jun-2022 |
Publisher: | Springer |
Series/Report no.: | VOLUME 59;No.6 |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 0022-1155 |
Appears in Collections: | Alerting of New Journals (BT) |
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