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Title: Reliability analysis through linearity and harmonic distortion of a dualmaterial-gate asymmetric underlapped DGMOSFET
Other Titles: (In) Microelectronics Reliability
Authors: Das, Rahul
Dasgupta, Arpan
Kundu, Atanu
Keywords: Source underlap
Dual-material gate
Analog/ RF performance
Harmonic distortion (HD)
Single-stage amplifier
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Science Direct
Series/Report no.: Vol : 92;
Abstract: In this paper, Harmonic Distortion (HD) of a Dual Material Gate Source Underlap Double Gate MOSFET (DMGSU-DG) with different gate work function combination is examined. The HD occurs because of the non-linear response of the device and therefore, a detailed analysis of the HD keeping gate work function as a variable parameter ensure device reliability. The HD is analyzed in terms of few figures of merit (FOM) such as the primary component, the Second Order Harmonic Distortion (HD2), the Third order Harmonic Distortion (HD3) and lastly the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The parameters which are used to analysis of HD are the drain current, the transconductance and transconductance generation factor. The result of the analysis suggests a reduction of distortion as linearity increases with the decrease of the work function difference, between source side metal and that of the drain side. The circuit analysis is done using Single Stage Amplifier circuit. An extensive HD analysis of the aforementioned circuit, with the help of HD2, HD3 and THD along have also presented in this work.
Appears in Collections:Electronics and Communication Engineering (Publications)

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