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Title: Design, Develop and Implement an Efficient Polynomial Divider
Other Titles: (In) International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science
Authors: Deb, Purbayan
Sen, Anindya
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Publisher: Research Gate
Series/Report no.: Vol : 6;Issue : 3
Abstract: Polynomial Division is a most common numerical operation experienced in many filters and similar circuits next to multiplication, addition and subtraction. Due to frequent use of such components in mobile and other communication applications, a fast polynomial division would improve overall speed for many such applications. This project is to design, develop and implement an efficient polynomial divider algorithm, along with the circuit. Next its output performance result is verified using Verilog simulation. A literature survey on the normal division algorithms currently used by ALU’s to perform division for large numbers, yielded Booth’s algorithm, Restoring and Non-restoring algorithm. Verilog simulation of these algorithms were used to derive efficiency in terms of the timing characteristics, required chip area and power dissipation. Initially, performance analysis of the existing algorithms was done based on the simulated outputs. Later similar analysis with the updated polynomial divider circuit is performance.
ISSN: 2278-2540
Appears in Collections:Electronics and Communication Engineering (Publications)

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