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Design, Development and Evaluation of Lever type Maize Sheller-B M Nandede, M L Jadhav, A S Dhimate, D S Thorat & V S Shinde
Ultrasound Pre-treated Osmotic Dehydration of Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica) Slices-Smurthimaye Mishra, Kalpana Rayaguru & Prakash Kumar Nayak
Correlations for Fins with Impacting air Jets type Solar Air Heater-Abhishek Kumar Goel & S N Singh
An Empirical Modeling and Evaluation Approach for the Safe use of Industrial Electric Detonators in the Hazards of Radio Frequency Radiation-Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sujit Kumar Mandal & Gautam Banerjee
Optimizing Plastic Extrusion Process via Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm and Regression Analysis-AsIan Deniz Karaoglan
India's Rank and Global Share in Scientific Research: how Publication Counting Method and Subject Selection can Vary the Outcomes?-Vivek Kumar Singh, Parveen Arora, Ashraf Uddin & Sujit Bhattacharya
Deep Learning Approach to Recognize COVID-19, SARS and Streptococcus Diseases from Chest X-ray Images-Kamal Kant Verma & Brij Mohan Singh
A New Efficient Method for the Detection of Intrusion in 5G and beyond Networks using ML-Vikash Yadav, Mayur Rahul & Rishika Yadav
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Slope Failures in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand (India)-Poonam Kainthura & Neelam Sharma
Novel Method for Wind Turbines Blades Damage Classification using Image Processing-M A Gardufio-Ramen, E Resendiz-Ochoa, L A Morales-Hernandez, & R A Osornio-Rios
Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Slope Failures in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand (India)-Poonam Kainthura & Neelam Sharma
Novel Method for Wind Turbines Blades Damage Classification using Image Processin-M A Garduno-Ramon, E Resendiz-Ochoa, L A Morales-Hernandez, & R A Osornio-Rios
Organobentonite as an Efficient and Reusable Adsorbent for Cationic Dyes Removal from Aqueous Solution-Pooja Patanjali, Indu Chopra, Abhishek Mandai & Rajeev Singh
A Study on the Torrefaction of Rice Husk as an Attempt to Enhance Its Energy Content-Dejene Mandefro & S Anuradha Jabasingh
Instructions to Contributors
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-80;NUMBER-1
ISSN: : 0022-4456
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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