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Title: Journal of the Indian Chemical Society
Keywords: Journal of the Indian Chemical Society
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and biological aspects of bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium(lv) com plexes with 4-am ino-s-In icoti n ic/picol in ic/ ison icotin ic/i ndol e·3·propyl/i ndole·3·ethyl)·3· mercapto-t.z.e-maeole Anupama Srivastava, Akhilesh K. Srivastava, Arti Vishwkarrna, Om P.Pandey and Soumitra K. Sengupta
2372-2384-Prospect of nanotechnology: A brief review
Kinetic study for the interaction of Nd(lIl) with cre atine in different organic solvents using 4f-4ftran sition spectra as a probe-N. Mohondas Singh, Ramananda Singh Naorem, H. Lalthlamuanpuii, Lalhmingmawia and Dhritiman Borgohain
Probing the reactive center for site selective pro tonation in carbonyl sulphide in terms of conceptual density functional based site selectivity descriptors-Sandip Kumar Raja
Undoped and carbon-doped calcium molybdate as photocatalyst for degradation of methylene blue-H. S. Chawda, Avinash K. Rai, R. Rathore, Suresh C. Ameta and R. Ameta
Benzene photo-mineralization in presence of metal ions in water containing suspended Ti02 semiconductor G. R. Dey, C. Sharma, D. Sharma and A. Ballal
Thermo-acoustical study of silver nanoparticles in methanol and propanol in the temperature range 288.15 K-313.15 K-Vanee! Kumar, Jyo!sna Kaushal, Taruna and Saruchi
Influences of bath chemistry and complexing agent on plating rate in electro less copper methane sulphonate bath-T. Manikanda Kumaran, S. Jo!hilakshmi and S. Rekha
Significant fluorescence intensity of excitation de pendent emission at longer wavelength of graph ite-ZnO nanocomposite in water: A cyanide sensor-Tanmoy Ghosh, Soumyadeep Mitra, Suman Kumar Maity, Somrita Mondal and Dilip K. Maiti
Comparative study of ultrasonic and conventional method for biodiesel production using different heterogeneous catalyst-Niraj S. Iopare, Kiran D. Patil and Satish V. Khedkar
Removal of total chromium from landfill leachate by electrocoagulation process using iron elec trodes: Effect of some major operational and chemical parameters-Sanjib Kumar Maiti, Tumpa Hazra and Anupam Debsarkar
Lactams: Geometry, dipole moment and anticancer activity-Apama Das and Bimal Krishna Bani
Quantitative structure-property relationships of Taxol, Taxotere and their epi-isomer- Apama Das
Synthesis and characterization of new carbohy drate-based organic Schiff bases Jhimli Sengupta and Nandagopal Hudait
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of antioxidants from lemon peel waste using re sponse surface methodology and multi-response desirability function Nurcihan Ian-Erkoc, ~ule Olnc-Zor, GuzinAlpdogan and Ay~egul Peksel
Analysis on certain physical and resourceful prop erties of kish graphite containing materials-Shu-Lung Kuo and Edward Ming-Yang Wu
Industrial wastewater treatment using hybrid tech niques and data modeling using RSM-ANOVA approach-Pratima Gajbhiye and Anand Mohan Yadav
A comparative study of biosurfactant preparation by Pseudomonas aeroginosa MTCC 424 using rice bran oil and soybean oil substrates- Ashutosh Mishra and Rakesh Kumar Trivedi
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: Indian Chemical Society
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-97;NUMBER-11b
ISSN: 2363-2516
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (Che and ENVS)

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