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dc.publisherIndian Chemical Societyen_US
dc.subjectJournal of the Indian Chemical Societyen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis, spectroscopic studies and biological aspects of bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium(lv) com plexes with 4-am ino-s-In icoti n ic/picol in ic/ ison icotin ic/i ndol e·3·propyl/i ndole·3·ethyl)·3· mercapto-t.z.e-maeole Anupama Srivastava, Akhilesh K. Srivastava, Arti Vishwkarrna, Om P.Pandey and Soumitra K. Senguptaen_US
dc.subject2372-2384-Prospect of nanotechnology: A brief reviewen_US
dc.subjectKinetic study for the interaction of Nd(lIl) with cre atine in different organic solvents using 4f-4ftran sition spectra as a probe-N. Mohondas Singh, Ramananda Singh Naorem, H. Lalthlamuanpuii, Lalhmingmawia and Dhritiman Borgohainen_US
dc.subjectProbing the reactive center for site selective pro tonation in carbonyl sulphide in terms of conceptual density functional based site selectivity descriptors-Sandip Kumar Rajaen_US
dc.subjectUndoped and carbon-doped calcium molybdate as photocatalyst for degradation of methylene blue-H. S. Chawda, Avinash K. Rai, R. Rathore, Suresh C. Ameta and R. Ametaen_US
dc.subjectBenzene photo-mineralization in presence of metal ions in water containing suspended Ti02 semiconductor G. R. Dey, C. Sharma, D. Sharma and A. Ballalen_US
dc.subjectThermo-acoustical study of silver nanoparticles in methanol and propanol in the temperature range 288.15 K-313.15 K-Vanee! Kumar, Jyo!sna Kaushal, Taruna and Saruchien_US
dc.subjectInfluences of bath chemistry and complexing agent on plating rate in electro less copper methane sulphonate bath-T. Manikanda Kumaran, S. Jo!hilakshmi and S. Rekhaen_US
dc.subjectSignificant fluorescence intensity of excitation de pendent emission at longer wavelength of graph ite-ZnO nanocomposite in water: A cyanide sensor-Tanmoy Ghosh, Soumyadeep Mitra, Suman Kumar Maity, Somrita Mondal and Dilip K. Maitien_US
dc.subjectComparative study of ultrasonic and conventional method for biodiesel production using different heterogeneous catalyst-Niraj S. Iopare, Kiran D. Patil and Satish V. Khedkaren_US
dc.subjectRemoval of total chromium from landfill leachate by electrocoagulation process using iron elec trodes: Effect of some major operational and chemical parameters-Sanjib Kumar Maiti, Tumpa Hazra and Anupam Debsarkaren_US
dc.subjectLactams: Geometry, dipole moment and anticancer activity-Apama Das and Bimal Krishna Banien_US
dc.subjectQuantitative structure-property relationships of Taxol, Taxotere and their epi-isomer- Apama Dasen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis and characterization of new carbohy drate-based organic Schiff bases Jhimli Sengupta and Nandagopal Hudaiten_US
dc.subjectOptimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of antioxidants from lemon peel waste using re sponse surface methodology and multi-response desirability function Nurcihan Ian-Erkoc, ~ule Olnc-Zor, GuzinAlpdogan and Ay~egul Pekselen_US
dc.subjectAnalysis on certain physical and resourceful prop erties of kish graphite containing materials-Shu-Lung Kuo and Edward Ming-Yang Wuen_US
dc.subjectIndustrial wastewater treatment using hybrid tech niques and data modeling using RSM-ANOVA approach-Pratima Gajbhiye and Anand Mohan Yadaven_US
dc.subjectA comparative study of biosurfactant preparation by Pseudomonas aeroginosa MTCC 424 using rice bran oil and soybean oil substrates- Ashutosh Mishra and Rakesh Kumar Trivedien_US
dc.titleJournal of the Indian Chemical Societyen_US
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