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Keywords: Ravi Shankar Prasad Union Minister, Communications, Electronics and IT, and Law and Justice
Anshu Prakash Secretary (T) and Chairman DCC, Department of Telecommunications
Mukesh D. Ambani Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Limited
Sunil Bharti Mittal Founder and Chairman, Bharti Enterprises
Looking back, looking ahead - Dr. Ishan Ranjan
Years of Mobile Telephony in India
Making technology equitable - Dr. RS Sharma
A mind-blowing roller-coaster - R Chandrashekhar
Challenged we rise - Pradip Baijal
Let us redial
Driving future of mobile communication in India - Abhay Karandikar
Getting ready for the next 25 years - Arun Seth
Let the telecom sector flourish - Brijendra K. Syngal
Going ahead on the digital path - Dr. Ganesh Natarajan
Fuelling digital disruption - Himanshu Kapania
Embarking on a rewarding journey - P Balaji
Mobility: After 25 Years - Prasanto K Roy
Get ready for the next big wave - Ravinder Takkar
India’s tryst with telephony - Sandip Das
Shred legacy for growth - Sanjay Kapoor
Nokia, mobile telephony, and India - Shiv Shivakumar
Reimagining communication for billions in India - Tarun Katial
The bell that has been echoing since 1995 - Umang Das
Time to leapfrog with digital infrastructure is now - Dr. Anand Agarwal
Driving digital India’s growth - David Li
A slice from HCL’s history - Ajai Chowdhry
Whither Indian networks? - Digvijay Sharma
Mainstreaming digital revolution - Puneet Chawla
Accelerating digital-led recovery to the next normal - Sanjay Kaul
Connecting 100 billion devices - Sanjay Malik
Building blocks of a prosperous future - Shivnath Thukral
Beyond the revolutionary journey - Rajan S. Mathews
A global leader in 25 years - Lt. Gen. Dr. SP Kochhar
Sharing infrastructure for growth - TR Dua
Time to achieve broadband for all - TV Ramachandran
Report 100 The new battleground for Telcos
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Publisher: CyberMedia
Series/Report no.: VOL 27;ISSUE 08
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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