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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOL 27;ISSUE 08-
dc.subjectRavi Shankar Prasad Union Minister, Communications, Electronics and IT, and Law and Justiceen_US
dc.subjectAnshu Prakash Secretary (T) and Chairman DCC, Department of Telecommunicationsen_US
dc.subjectMukesh D. Ambani Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Limiteden_US
dc.subjectSunil Bharti Mittal Founder and Chairman, Bharti Enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectLooking back, looking ahead - Dr. Ishan Ranjanen_US
dc.subjectYears of Mobile Telephony in Indiaen_US
dc.subjectMaking technology equitable - Dr. RS Sharmaen_US
dc.subjectA mind-blowing roller-coaster - R Chandrashekharen_US
dc.subjectChallenged we rise - Pradip Baijalen_US
dc.subjectLet us redialen_US
dc.subjectDriving future of mobile communication in India - Abhay Karandikaren_US
dc.subjectGetting ready for the next 25 years - Arun Sethen_US
dc.subjectLet the telecom sector flourish - Brijendra K. Syngalen_US
dc.subjectGoing ahead on the digital path - Dr. Ganesh Natarajanen_US
dc.subjectFuelling digital disruption - Himanshu Kapaniaen_US
dc.subjectEmbarking on a rewarding journey - P Balajien_US
dc.subjectMobility: After 25 Years - Prasanto K Royen_US
dc.subjectGet ready for the next big wave - Ravinder Takkaren_US
dc.subjectIndia’s tryst with telephony - Sandip Dasen_US
dc.subjectShred legacy for growth - Sanjay Kapooren_US
dc.subjectNokia, mobile telephony, and India - Shiv Shivakumaren_US
dc.subjectReimagining communication for billions in India - Tarun Katialen_US
dc.subjectThe bell that has been echoing since 1995 - Umang Dasen_US
dc.subjectTime to leapfrog with digital infrastructure is now - Dr. Anand Agarwalen_US
dc.subjectDriving digital India’s growth - David Lien_US
dc.subjectA slice from HCL’s history - Ajai Chowdhryen_US
dc.subjectWhither Indian networks? - Digvijay Sharmaen_US
dc.subjectMainstreaming digital revolution - Puneet Chawlaen_US
dc.subjectAccelerating digital-led recovery to the next normal - Sanjay Kaulen_US
dc.subjectConnecting 100 billion devices - Sanjay Maliken_US
dc.subjectBuilding blocks of a prosperous future - Shivnath Thukralen_US
dc.subjectBeyond the revolutionary journey - Rajan S. Mathewsen_US
dc.subjectA global leader in 25 years - Lt. Gen. Dr. SP Kochharen_US
dc.subjectSharing infrastructure for growth - TR Duaen_US
dc.subjectTime to achieve broadband for all - TV Ramachandranen_US
dc.subjectReport 100 The new battleground for Telcosen_US
dc.titleVOICE & DATAen_US
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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