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Keywords: 08 cover story COLLABORATED we sta nd While we had the technology to create a mesh of remote workers, COVID-19 pushed its adoption at an unprecedented scale. Here is how companies in India are dealing with it
Enabling remote-working during COVID-19 times
“Remote working is not new to Cisco”
“We enabled remote and local access with multiple users
“Remote working culture is on the rise
“More than 90% of our staff worldwide is teleworking”
“We quadrupled our VPN capacity within two days”
“Work-from-home will be the new normal in few years” -
STRATEGY Business continuity amidst work-from-home
Facilitating remote working through technology
Working smart amidst pandemic
Calibrating the right environment for Digital India
Vodafone registered nearly one year of traffic growth in first week of lockdown
Calibrating the right environment for Digital India
VIEWPOINT Stressed, stretched, and supporting
Industrial digitization is driving demand for private networks
INSIGHT Efficient monitoring 5G networks
RESEARCH Driving unlimited possibilities
TECHNOLOGY Plugging the GTP security threat
REPORT IESA recommends ISRO-style commission for electronics sector
An intelligent world calls for global connectivity: Eric Xu
5G market growing faster than expected: Börje Ekholm
The life and travails of smartphones
Mobile internet hits gender barrier
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Cyber Media
Series/Report no.: VOL 27;ISSUE 04
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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