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dc.publisherCyber Mediaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOL 27;ISSUE 04-
dc.subject08 cover story COLLABORATED we sta nd While we had the technology to create a mesh of remote workers, COVID-19 pushed its adoption at an unprecedented scale. Here is how companies in India are dealing with iten_US
dc.subjectEnabling remote-working during COVID-19 timesen_US
dc.subject“Remote working is not new to Cisco”en_US
dc.subject“We enabled remote and local access with multiple usersen_US
dc.subject“Remote working culture is on the riseen_US
dc.subject“More than 90% of our staff worldwide is teleworking”en_US
dc.subject“We quadrupled our VPN capacity within two days”en_US
dc.subject“Work-from-home will be the new normal in few years” -en_US
dc.subjectSTRATEGY Business continuity amidst work-from-homeen_US
dc.subjectFacilitating remote working through technologyen_US
dc.subjectWorking smart amidst pandemicen_US
dc.subjectCalibrating the right environment for Digital Indiaen_US
dc.subjectVodafone registered nearly one year of traffic growth in first week of lockdownen_US
dc.subjectCalibrating the right environment for Digital Indiaen_US
dc.subjectVIEWPOINT Stressed, stretched, and supportingen_US
dc.subjectIndustrial digitization is driving demand for private networksen_US
dc.subjectINSIGHT Efficient monitoring 5G networksen_US
dc.subjectRESEARCH Driving unlimited possibilitiesen_US
dc.subjectTECHNOLOGY Plugging the GTP security threaten_US
dc.subjectREPORT IESA recommends ISRO-style commission for electronics sectoren_US
dc.subjectAn intelligent world calls for global connectivity: Eric Xuen_US
dc.subject5G market growing faster than expected: Börje Ekholmen_US
dc.subjectThe life and travails of smartphonesen_US
dc.subjectMobile internet hits gender barrieren_US
dc.titleVOICE & DATAen_US
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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