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Title: International Journal of Bioinformatics and Soft Computing
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameter prediction from drug structure using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks
In Vitro antioxidant activities of Breynia Vitis-Idaea extracts
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 1-(4-aryl-2-thiazolyl) - and 1-(4-aryl- 2-oxazolyl)-3,5-diaryl fi2-pyrazoline derivatives
Analytical application of m-chlorophenylazo-bis-acetoxime (m-CPABA)in the spectrophotometric determination of Nickel (II)
Studies on formulation and in vitro evaluation of Glimepiride floating tablets
Microscopic Characters and Phytochemical screening of Pandanus candelabrum (P. Beauv., Pandanaceae) Leaves
Development and validation of RP- HPLC method for estimation of.. Donepezil HCl from bulk and marketed dosage forms
In-vitro antibacterial activity of various extracts on the leaves of Passiflora mollissima
Preoperative fasting duration and incidence of hypoglycemia and hemodynamic response in children
Efficient production of Alpha - amylase from agro residues using Bacillus subtilis
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: Research Science Press
Series/Report no.: volume 9;Issue 2
ISSN: 4421 1400
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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