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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.identifier.issn4421 1400-
dc.publisherResearch Science Pressen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvolume 9;Issue 2-
dc.subjectPhysico-chemical parameter prediction from drug structure using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networksen_US
dc.subjectIn Vitro antioxidant activities of Breynia Vitis-Idaea extractsen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 1-(4-aryl-2-thiazolyl) - and 1-(4-aryl- 2-oxazolyl)-3,5-diaryl fi2-pyrazoline derivativesen_US
dc.subjectAnalytical application of m-chlorophenylazo-bis-acetoxime (m-CPABA)in the spectrophotometric determination of Nickel (II)en_US
dc.subjectStudies on formulation and in vitro evaluation of Glimepiride floating tabletsen_US
dc.subjectMicroscopic Characters and Phytochemical screening of Pandanus candelabrum (P. Beauv., Pandanaceae) Leavesen_US
dc.subjectDevelopment and validation of RP- HPLC method for estimation of.. Donepezil HCl from bulk and marketed dosage formsen_US
dc.subjectIn-vitro antibacterial activity of various extracts on the leaves of Passiflora mollissimaen_US
dc.subjectPreoperative fasting duration and incidence of hypoglycemia and hemodynamic response in childrenen_US
dc.subjectEfficient production of Alpha - amylase from agro residues using Bacillus subtilisen_US
dc.titleInternational Journal of Bioinformatics and Soft Computingen_US
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