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dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, Puja B ...[et al]-
dc.description.abstractA review of literature reveals that bending analysis of laminated composite sti ened hypar shells with cutout have not received due attention. Being a doubly ruled surface, a skewed hyper shell ful ls aesthetic as well as ease of casting requirements. Further, this shell allows entry of north light making it suitable as civil engineering roo ng units. Hyper shell with cutout subjected to uniformly distributed load exhibits improved performances with sti eners. Hence relative performances of antisymmetricangle-ply laminated composite sti ened hypershells in terms of displacements and stress resultants are studied in this paper under static loading. A curved quadratic isoparametric eight nodded element and three nodded beam elements are used to model the shell surface and the sti eners respectively. Results obtained from the present study are compared with established ones to check the correctness of the present approach. A number of additional problems of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated composite sti ened hypar shells are solved for various - bre orientations, number of layers and boundary conditions. Results are interpreted from practical application standpoints and ndings important for a designer to decide on the shell combination among a number of possible options are highlighted.en_US
dc.publisherDe Gruyter Openen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 3;-
dc.subjectsti ened hypar shellen_US
dc.subjectantisymmetric angle ply compositeen_US
dc.subjectfinite element methoden_US
dc.titleRelative performance of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated sti ened hypar shell roofs with cutout in terms of static behavioren_US
dc.title.alternative(In) Curved and Layer. Structen_US
Appears in Collections:Civil Engineering (Publications)

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