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dc.contributor.authorDe, Debasish-
dc.contributor.authorSengupta, Diganta-
dc.subjectArtificial Intellegence for Sustainable Ocean Health by Mahamuda Sultana, Suman Bhattacharya, Nilanjana Adhikari, Diganta Sengupta, and Debashis Deen_US
dc.subjectRole of Artificial Intelligence and Technologies in Improving Ocean Health in Promoting Tourism by Birendra Kishore Royen_US
dc.subjectLeveraging the Power of AI for Sustainable Oceans by Medini Gupta and Sarvesh Tanwaren_US
dc.subjectBlue Ocean and Machine Learning Trajectories SDG 14: Life Below Water for Handling Ocean Pollution: Metaverse Conserve Ocean Health Sustainability Through the Lens of Transboundary Legal-Policy Regulations as Articulating Space for Futuristic Changes by Bhupinder Singh and Christian Kaunerten_US
dc.subjectMarine Resources: Identification, Restoring, and Monitoring of Fisheries Food Resources Using Deep Learning and Image Processing by N. Nasurudeen Ahamed and Amreen Ayeshaen_US
dc.subjectUtilisation of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Through Supervising a Random Network Environment in the Ocean Environment by Sathish Kumar, C. V. Ravikumar, A. Srinivasulu, and Tien Anh Tranen_US
dc.subjectRole of Preprocessing Algorithm in the Underwater Image Analysis by Abhishek Choubey and Shruti Bhargava Choubeyen_US
dc.titleArtificial Computing and Edge Computing for Sustainable Ocean Healthen_US
Appears in Collections:HITK (Book Publications)

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