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dc.subjectAn inventory model for deteriorating items towards trapezoidal type demand with preservation technology J. Kaushik Introducing an integrated method for assessing supply chain sustainability based on HF-ARASand IT2F-BWM M. Alvandi Ghiasvand, M. khalaj and A.H.K. Oolatabadi In search of the best multi-criteria decision making-particle swarm optimization-based hybrid approach for parametric optimization of friction stir welding processes P.P. Das and S. Chakraborty Economics of secondary queue of Indian railways passenger reservation system: a queueing science approach S.M. Qasim and J.A. Farooquie Employing fuzzy DEAfor Green-resilient supplier selection in an electronic industry of household appliances: a case study (Snowa) A. Saghafinia, M. Abedian and M. Hejazi Integrated production-inventory model for multi-item raw materials with exponential quality degradation: a real case study D.M. Utama, F.F. Abdullah, I. Amallynda and T. Baroto Decreased minimum total transportation-inventory cost bounds assuming variability in supplies and demands M.A. Hoque and l.A.M.S. Juman Astudy of two warehouse inventory dynamism for non-instantaneous deteriorating item with Weibull demand considering trade credit policy J. Viswanath and R. Thilagavathi Classification of water quality using interval TOPSISmethod S. Roy, D. Datta and S. Chatte~ee The component outage model for power systems using availability approximations V. Arunachalam, A. Calvache and A. Tansu Modified differential evolution to solve systems of nonlinear equations P. Tiwari, V.N. Mishra and R.P. Parouha The MtfM/l queueing system with impatient customers and multiple vacation A. Yousefi and R. Pourtaheri Production inventory control model for deteriorating complementary and substitute items with shortage S. Hati and K. Maity Comparative analysis of covering based soft rough sets and multi-layered fuzzy attributed fuuy soft matrices P.M.F. Benazir and G. Gomathi TOPSISand VIKORstrategies for COVID-19vaccine selection in ONNenvironment R. Mallick, S. Pramanik and B.C. Giri New approach for performance score analysis of m-polar Fuzzy ELECTRE-Imethod M. Jagtap and P. Karandeen_US
dc.subjectSuper efficiency and sensitivity analysis of the Indian hotels and restaurants N. Sharma and S.K. Mogha Modelling medical oxygen supply chain network under demand uncertainty using stochastic programming R. Sawant, A. Kumar and V.K.Yadav Supplier selection and capacity allocation in medical tourism service supply chain S. Karadayi-Usta and S. Serdarasan Theoretical Articles Artificial intelligent support model for multiple criteria decision in construction management P.V.H. Son and L.N.Q.Khoi Optimization techniques for crisp and fuzzy multi-objective static inventory model with Pareto front A. Sahoo and M. Panda Development of multi-period, multi-product model to mitigate supply risk with capacity constraint and discount S.A. Yavari, S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi and F.Jolai Cost scrutiny of discrete-time priority queue with cluster arrival and Bernoulli feedback V. Shree, S. Upadhyaya and R. Kulshrestha New strategy for anti-loop formulations J.M. Garcia Effect of memory on an inventory model for deteriorating item: fractional calculus approach D.K.Jana, A.K.Das and S. Islam learning the weights using attribute order information for multi-criteria decision making tasks J. Dombi and T. Jonasen_US
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