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ORIGINALCONTRIBUTIONS Authentication-Centric and Access-Controlled Architecture for Edge-Empowered SDN-IoT Networks D.S.Sahana . S.H. Brahmananda Power Quality Improvement in Solar Energy Conversion System Integrated to Weak AC Grid G.Modi· B. Singh A Single-Switch High-Gain Cascaded Boost-SEPIC Converter Using Small Wind Turbine for Renewable Energy Applications R.Kumari· R Dahal .M. Pandit· K.S. Sherpa AComprehensive Multi-modal Approach for Enhanced Product Recommendations Based on Customer Habits J.D.Bodapati . N. Veeranjaneyulu . L. Yenduri Critical Breakdown Electric Field of Sulfur Dioxide at 1-10 Bar and 300-4000 K for Applications in Power Transmission and Switching Elements A.K.Pandey- P. Singh· Mohd.S. Khan· J.K. Singh Sybil Attack Detection for Secure loT-Based Smart Healthcare Environments J.Li·Z.VVang Development of Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict the Performance of R-290 Water Cooler Refrigeration System D.Y.Dhande· C.S. Choudhari An loT-Enabled Smart Net-Metering System for Real-Time Analysis of Renewable Energy Generation in MATLAB/Simulink A.A. Pathare· RP. Singh· D. Sethi A Novel Low-Conservative Constrained HooModel Predictive Control for Linear Switched Systems Y.Xie Design of Type III Fuzzy Controller for Buck/Boost Converter J. Sun- H. Xiang Design, Implementation and Analysis of HIBRI Cipher on loT Platforms H.R Nagesh .A. Poojari· VG.K. Kumar Intelligent Demand Side Management for Residential Consumer Comprise of Electric Vehicle, Energy Storage System and Renewable Energy Source C.K. Muley- S. Bhongade Evaluation of Percolation Theory Insisted Resilience Index for Indian 62 Bus Utility System in Cascading Failure Situation D. Bose· P. Sarkar· C.K. Chanda- A. Chakrabarti Sentence Annotation for Aspect-oriented Sentiment Analysis: A Lexicon based Approach with Marathi Movie Reviews N.T. Mhaske· A.S. Patil Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for MuItiband Application with the Multiple Rectangular and a Plus Shaped Slots S. Sharma S.K. Sriwas .A. Nigam D.C. Jaiswal . M. Kumar Human Stress Detection in and Through Sleep Patterns Using Machine Learning Algorithms R. Geetha S. Gunanandhini . G.U. Srikanth . V Sujatha Gold Price Prediction Using Skewness and Kurtosis Based Generalized Auto-regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Approach with Long Short Term Memory Network S. Nallamothu . K. Rajyalakshmi . P.Arumugam Energy Management in Power Distribution Network via Volt-VAr-Watt Control R.K. Sahu· B. Bag· N.S. Lakra A MuItimodal Face and Fingerprint Authentication System Using Fuzzy Set Exponential Water Wave Optimization GJ.S. Deol . P.I. Priyadarsini .VG. Nallagattla . K. Amarendra K. See1am· B.RA. Latha Design and Construction of a Photovoltaic Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor etworks and Internet of Things Technology O.A. Ilori .A.A. Willoughby . O.F. Dairo . A.O. Soge COA Approach Based Implementation of Hybrid Transmission Lines with Different Constraints M. Pathak- D. Trivedi REVIEW PAPERS Techniques for Generating Sign Language a Comprehensive Review P.P.Waghmare Solar Based Bio-Medical Waste Treatment: A Patent Overview K. Narayanasamy· S. Hait A Review Paper on Gait Analysis Using Soft Computing Techniques Ritu . M. Pandit . A.K. Bhoi Unveiling the Potential of Wearable Antennas and Microwave Technology in Kidney Cancer Detection R. Sangeetha· G. Mohanbabu . M. Premkumar· S. Jayakumar Further articles can be found at link. springer. com Indexed/abstracted in Scopus, Google Scholar, EBSCO, OCLC, Summon by ProQuest Instructions for Authors for J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B are available at http://www.springer.coml40031
Issue Date: Dec-2024
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-105;Issue-6
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/9546
ISSN: 2250-2106
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (EE)

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