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A Comparative Analysis of Plant Canopy Detection Performance in a Variable-Rate Spraying System Using Deep Learning Models S.S. Patil .Y.M. Patil . S.B. Patil . RV Powar Development and Assessment of a Hand-Held Dust Measuring Device K. Khan· Z. Bano . J. Dixit· H.A. Peerzada . M. Ali Choice of Sampling Strategy for Flexible Pavement Distress Survey C. Ramamurthy . M.R. Nivitha Investigating The Behavior Of Reinforced Concrete Frame With Steel Shear Wall Having Partial Connection To Boundary Elements Z.Sun Development of Benchmarks for First and Last Mile Connectivity of a Metro Rail System Through Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Mumbai Metro Line 1 P.C. Jasti· VV Ram Spatial and Temporal Variations in Peak Flood Events over the Markanda River Basin of North Western India D. Kumar· D. Saini· O. Singh Enhancing Rolled Steel I Beam Performance Through FRP Strengthening: Analytical and Numerical Modelling for Behavior Prediction Y.M. Patil· M.M. Awati . S.S. Ahankari .A.c. Lande Assessment of Groundwater Quality of HubbalIi City, Karnataka, India by Using Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index, Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index and Geospatial Techniques M.S. Dhaduti . A.M. Hunashyal . S.c. Dhaduti . S.R. Jalagar· S.N. Mathad Environmental Impact Assessment of the Solid Waste Landfill in Ahmedabad J. D'Costa . D.S. Keita . VJ. Braganza H. Patel Modal Identification of a Bridge Using the Vibration Response of a Passing Vehicle Combining VMD and TKEO A. Srinivas . K. Lakshrni Simplified Method to Predict Residual Strength of Reinforced Concrete Columns Under aturaI Fire Conditions C. Akkannavar . M.H. Prashanth . C. Joshi Optimization-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls Considering Embodied Energy, Carbon Emissions, and Cost M. Shakeel . R. Azam . M.R Riaz . A. Shihata A Comparative Study Between Conventional Outrigger System and Hybrid Outrigger System considering Performance Index Criterion N.E. John· K. Kamath Study of Leaf Straightening Parameters in the Hot Compression Rolling Process S. Singh- A. Pandey R Mishra . RL. Mohanty Experimental Investigation and Classification of Wastewater Treatment Sludge as Pozzolan for Cement S.O. Ekolu . P. Mudzanani . M.T.M. Mofokeng . M.C. Maiyana . A. Naghizadeh Inter-Storey Drift for Base Isolated R.C. Frame Buildings R. Manisana S.S. Mayengbam CASE STUDIES Enhancing Monsoon Predictions for the Upper Chambal Catchment Through Temporal and Spatial Downscaling of Predicted Future Precipitation P. Bagora . S. Narulkar Assessment of Mechanization Indices: Insights from Rice-Growing Region of the Southern Asia-Pacific Region I. Rath . P.L. Pradhan . RC. Dash· M. Mahapatra . P.K. Sahoo . A. Behera . K. Verma BRIEF COMMUNICATION Model for Quantifying the Various Levels of Construction Productivity R.VK. Vigneshwar· S. Sharunugapriya REVIEW PAPERS Fire Hazard In Urban Areas: A Scoping Review To Understand Issues And Opportunities S. Goswami . R. Kolte . A. Kumar S. Pipralia Study on Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Buildings: A Review M. Basu . N. Kaja . P. Rao avigating the Future of Agriculture: A Comprehensive Review of Automatic All-Terrain Vehicles in Precision Farming M. Padhiary . R. Kumar· L.N. Sethi An Ov 'rvicw of Key Indicators and Evaluation Tools for Assessing Economic Value of Heritage Towns: A Literature Review V. Vinod . S. Sarkar . S. Roy Digital Twins for Construction Project Management (DT-CPM): Applications and Future Research Directions V'K, Reja . M. Sindhu Pradeep . K. Varghese SPECIAL ISSUE MANUSCRIPT Studies on Alternate Material for Parabolic Roofing Panel H. Anil . R. Ravindra . S.M. Basutkar Further articles can be found at Instructions for Authors for J.lnst. Eng.lndia Ser. A are available at http://www.springer.coml40030
Issue Date: Sep-2024
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-105;Issue-3
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/9545
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (CE)

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