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EDITORIAL Natural Sciences and Engineering for Sustainable Development (NSESD 2024) - J. N. Roy and Puja Dey LETTER TO THE EDITOR ARTICLE Numerical Simulation of Super Continuum Generation in Tapered Optical - Kama! Hussain AC Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis of P-SilLaO.7Sr03 Mn03(LSMO)/CuPcl Au(A) and P-Sil Lao.7Sro3MnO/LSMO)1P 3HT/CuPc IAu(B) Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Heterostructure under Ambient Conditions - Md. Minhaj AU and P. Dey Tuning ofI-V Characteristics of Hybrid Inorganic-Organic p-Si/ LaO.7 SrO.3MnO/CuPc IAu Heterostructure Under External Perturbations of Light and Magnetic Field - Satabdi Roy, Md. Minhaj AU andP. Dey An Investigation on Neutron Skin Thickness of Finite Nuclei by Studying Dipole Polarizability using Finite Range Effective Interaction - B. Sahoo, S. Chakraborty, M. Pal and S. Sahoo Theoretical Design of Hyper secant Soliton Based Demux - Chinmoy Mukherjee and Abhijit Sinha Optical and Magnetic Tuning of Electrical Transport Across the Interfaces of ZnO.3Nio.7F e2 0 4 CuPc Heterostructure - Mrinal Kanti Monda! and P. Dey Surface Plasmon Resonance in Titanium Nitride in Visible Frequency Range - Suk!a Rajak Theoretical Analysis of Chiral Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based all-optical Logic Gate - Arindam Changder, Kousik Mukherjee and Jitendra Nath Roy CO/CH4 Separation Performance of Mixed- Matrix Membranes Based on MOF 8081 Polyamide - Barun Kumar Mondal
Magnetically Retrievable Cu Containing Nanoparticles for Multicomponent Organic Synthesis - Mousumi Kundu
Relaxation Process of Fe-doped V20soM003o CDOoZ ° Glassy anocomposites - Ajit Mandai, Arpita Dey, Prolay Halder, Anil Chamuah, Sanjib Bhattacharya, Debasish Roy and Amit Mallik
Prediction of Diabetes Using Machine Learning Models - Sushmita Mandai and J. Paul Choudhury
High Angle Conveyor and its Applicability in Large Opencast Coal Mines in India - Subhash Chandra Shil
Changing Pattern of Rural Female Work Participation: A Study of Bankura District in West Bengal - Kuntal Kanti Chattoraj and Rajesh Mandai
Socio Economic Challenges ofthe Tribes; A Comprehensive Study on Tribal Population ofPurulia District, West Bengal, India - Dipankar Draw
Insights into the Phenomenon of Foam Formation in River Nunia at Ghagarburi - Sagarika Mukherjee, Sudip Paramanik and Manas Paramanik
Impact of Using n-Fe.O, anoparticles as Dietary Supplements on the Growth of a Critically Endangered Minor Carp Puntius sarana (Hamilton, 1822) - Sampa Mandai, Nilanjana Chatterjee and Baibaswata Bhattacharjee
Phytoconstituent Analysis of Petroleum Ether Leaf Extract of Olax scandens and Study of its Mosquito Larvicidal Potency - Sudip Paramanik, Sagarika Mukherjee and Manas Paramanik
OPINION Albert Einstein - S. N. Bose RESEARCH COMMUNICATION A Review on the Pharmacological Activities of Thuja orientalis L. - Sonali Ray
Challenges of Sway am Moocs in Higher Education: Students' Perspective - Kartik Mandai, Ramendra Kumar Parhi
NOTES AND NEWS (i) Release of Special issue of Science and Culture (ii) Celebration of World Health Day
Issue Date: Jul-2024
Series/Report no.: Volume-90;Number-7-8
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/9476
ISSN: 0036-8156
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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