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COMMENTARY PRP4KA phosphorylates SERRATE and promotes its degradation to coordinate miRNA production V.Mishra- B. Maurya
ORIGINALARTICLES Comparative bioinformatics analysis of the biosynthetic pathways and key candidate genes of three species, Vitis vinifera, Fragaria vesca and Olea europaea, furnish enzyme sets for the production of pharmaceutically valuable terpenes in heterologous hosts S.A.A.AI-Salihi . K.L. Ford
Population genetic analysis illustrated a high gene diversity and genetic heterogeneity in Himalayacalamus falconeri: a socio-economically important Indian temperate woody bamboo taxon R.K. Meena . N. Negi . R. Shankhwar . M.S. Bhandari . R. Sharma
Peroxisomal KAT2 (3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase 2) gene has a key role in gingerol biosynthesis in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) S. Sreeja . M.R. Shylaja . P.A. Nazeem . D. Mathew
Identification of anthocyanins in a purple yam (Dioscorea alata) accession and their in vitro antiproliferative activity Y.R.Vishnu A.N. Jyothi . M.N. Sheela- J. Sreelcumar
PCtFSG2, a flower-specific promoter with suitable promoter activity in safflower 1.Chen· C. Ren . J. Wang· B. Xian . R. Wang· Q. WU. 1.Pei
Overexpression of the Arabidopsis ceramide synthase gene AtLOHl enhances plant cold stress tolerance W.Tang· WA. Thompson
Characterization of a new histone deacetylase 6 (hda6-11) mutant allele in Arabidopsis thaliana G.P. Saradadevi . AT. Subramanian· S.K. Shreekar . G. Mohannath
Development and utilization of analytical methods for rapid GM detection in processed food products: a case study for regulatory requirement M. Singh- A Paliwal· K. Kaur . P. Palit . G. Randhawa
Exploration of eQTLs regulating transcript for internode elongation under deep water treatment employing haplotype network in diverse deep water rice landraces of Assam, India M. Rohilla· N. Singh- J. Singh- D. Chowdhury· T.K.Mondal
Expression of a truncated maize SPS increases source capacity in maize S.M.G. Duff· K. Kretzmer
Genetic transformation and expression of hemagglutinin gene from avian influenza virus in carrot (Daucus carota) vc. Su . P.-L. Huang· Y.-Y. Do
Myzus persicae herbivore mediated vascular microbiota is corelated with Arabidopsis thaliana's perception to aphid infestation H.A. Mondal
Distribution and diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense TR4 causing banana wilt in Sub-tropics of India and comparative analysis of TR4 specific molecular detection methods N. Kumari . T. Damodaran . I. Ahmad- S. Rajan . P.K. Shukla- M. Manoharan . A.K. Kushwaha H. Singh· R. Gopal· S. Kumari· K. Yadav· P. Bora S.K. Jha
Effect of simulated digestion in vitro on the rheology and biological activity of Lilium davidii var.unicolor Salisb Polysaccharide W Tian . X. Ding- J. Shi . F. Jiang· L. Ding· B. Zhao . F.Wang· J. Zhang
Pinellia ternata PtZSl contributes to abiotic stress responses via the antioxidant pathway R. Li .W Guo . P. Li . K. Lei . L. Ji
Mechanism and kinetics of CBDA decarboxylation into CBD in hemp T. Fucak . S. Kreft- Z.M. Svedruzic . E. Tavcar
Studies on the callus induction and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Asia minor bluegrass (PolypogonJugax) F.-Y Zhou . Z.-W Meng .Y.-J. Han .Y. Zhang
Fructokinases in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.): molecular cloning, sequence analyses, three-dimensional structure prediction, enzyme activity and purification by aqueous two-phase system G. Kaur . N. Das
SHORT COMMUNICATIONS GHB degradation via TCA cycle is the major metabolic route in Arabidopsis thaliana D.W.Mekonnen
Nitric oxide modulates the expression of aquaporin isoforms (PIP2 and TIP1) on oil body membranes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seedling cotyledons in response to salt stress A Kumari . S.c. BhatIa
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOL-32;No-3
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8683
ISSN: 0971-7811
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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