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Introduction to the special issue "Current themes in economics" J. Bhattacharya
Priority design for engineering colleges in India O. Aygtin . B. Turhan
Political c1ientelism and capture: theory and an application P. Bardhan . D. Mookherjee
India's inward (re)turn: is it warranted? Will it work? S. Chatterjee· A. Subramanian
Trade liberalization and local development in India: evidence from nighttime lights P. Jha . K. Talathi
Correction to: Trade liberalization and local development in India: evidence from nighttime lights P. Jha . K. Talathi
Do historical agro-ecological factors shape current attitudes towards women's rights and abilities? c.K. Jha . S. Sarangi . I. Tripathi
On the macroeconomics of corruption C. Azariadis .Y.M. Ioannides
Altruism and occupation under survival uncertainty S. Chakraborty- M. Das
Utilitarianism versus the repugnant conclusion J.C. C6rdoba
Inequality and identity salience M. Ghatak . T. Verdier
Organizational capital and optimal Ramsey taxation A. Johri . B. Talukdar
Informal creditors and sovereign debt restructuring S. Ghosal . D. Thomas
Offshoring barriers, regulatory burden and national welfare S. Bandyopadhyay . A. Basu . N. Chau . D. Mitra
Can optimal unfunded public pensions co-exist with voluntary private retirement savings? T.M. Andersen· I. Bhattacharya· Q. Liu
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-58;Supplement-1
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8671
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (Humanity)

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