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Page-2865-Ntanguen PH, Nzeukou A, Onguene R, Sandjon AT, onfack R: Parametrization of drop size distrbution with rain rate for microwave and millimeter wave applications in Central Africa
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Page-2889-Atas M: SUSY-nonrelativistic quantum eigenspectral energy anaflor ysqsuaried-styp e trigonometric potentials through Nikiforov-Uvarov formalism
Page-2899-Braun M, Obodo KO: (Compoaf friniite seolemnen t density functional with NWChem results for 18 molecules
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Page-3081-Nucear Physics Singh V, Lahiri J, Chowdhury PR, Basu DN: ‘Sub-barrier fusion hindrance and absence of neutron transfer channels
Page-3087-Opt& Sipecctrossco py Faeghinia A, Alzadeh M, Siroosian M: Effoef c(45t o n optical properties of Zn0-Pb0-Si0 glass—ceramic systems
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Page-3103-Novel anomalies of soft quasi-localized glassy mode in the vicinity of boson peak frequency
Page-3109-Kumar PN, Nagaraju M, Arjun KV, Razdan AK, Chaudhary AK: Comparative study of real-time terahertz imaging of concealed metallic objects, drug, wood and TNT explosive in transmission/reflection model useing microbolometer and ultrafast pulsed terahertz imaging systems
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Page-3133-Wang B-Q,WuS-8: Thermadynamic propertes of the Eulr-Heisenberg-Ads black hole under new higher order generalized uncertainty princple
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Page-3155-Babar R, Akhtar Z, Asgher M, AliR: Study of thermodynamics for Dymnikova regular black hole under the influence of quantum gravity
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: Indian Association for the Cultivation of science
Series/Report no.: Volume-97;Number-10
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8653
ISSN: 0973 1458
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (physics)

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