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dc.subjectAuniversity-wide orientation course timetabling model and its modification for pandemic period A. Ulucan, K.B. Atid and S.B. Saracen_US
dc.subjectThird-party logistics intention to provide cold transportation services. The mediating effect of top management support and organizational readiness in TOEframework M.F.A. Hassan, A.H. N9ah and M.B.Y. Tioen_US
dc.subjectParallel and series queueing model with state and time dependent service J.D. Aparajitha and K. Srinivasa Raoen_US
dc.subjectAnalyzing the nature of a transportation problem before and during COVID-19pandemic in multi-fuzzy environment R.K. Bera and S.K. Mondalen_US
dc.subjectAnew mathematical model and a heuristic algorithm for the tourist trip design problem under new constraints: a real-world application G.D. Yalcin, H. Malta and S. Sayliken_US
dc.subjectMarkovapproach for reliability-availability-maintainability analysis of a three unit repairable system A.D. Yadav, N. Nandal, S. Malik and S.c. Maliken_US
dc.subjectOnthe behaviour of the underrelaxed Hildreth's row-action method for computing projections onto polyhedra T.pororKatsekporen_US
dc.subjectAn auxiliary problem principle for the solutions of mixed invex equilibrium problems in Banach spaces B.K. Sahu, S. Kumar and S. Panien_US
dc.subjectAhybrid reptile search algorithm and levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based Haarwavelets to solve regular and singular boundary value problems H.A. Omar, V. SmiSel and R.M. Rizk-Allahen_US
dc.subjectOptimality conditions and duality for f-differentiable multiobjective programming involving V-f-type Ifunctions N. Abdulaleem and S. Treantiaen_US
dc.subjectAnarrative review of multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA)method in decision making S. Chakraborty, H.N. Datta, K. Kalita and S. Chakrabortyen_US
dc.subjectTesting coverage based software reliability assessment incorporating effort expenditure and error generation S. Kumar, A.G.Aggarwal and R. Guptaen_US
dc.subjectAdmission control policyof a two heterogeneous server finite capacity retrial queueing system with maintenance activity V. Saravanan, V. Poongothai and P. Godhandaramanen_US
dc.subjectImpact of loss aversion on the newsvendor problem: a literature review and insights for future researchers S. Yaminien_US
dc.subjectEnergy-based storage assignment in a multi-aisle warehouse D. Nasir, R. Venkitasubramony and S.K. Jakharen_US
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