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dc.subjectSpecial Editorial: Evidence-based traditional medicine for tranelds of Mokukchung district, Nagalansforming global health and well-being Traditional methods for vegetable and grain storage in Leh district of trans-Himalayan Ladakh T Tsewang, S Acharya, A Mishra, K Kumar, V C Verma, V K Tiwari & Avantika Identification of the indigenous pest control methods adopted injhum fid Benjongtoshi, Kamni P Biam & Hammylliende Talang Assessment of indigenous technical knowledge on uses of Alliums in plant protection R B Kale, S S Gadge, Kuldip Jayaswall, S J Gawande, A 0 Patole & Major Singh Documentation of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITKs) system prevalent among poultry farmers of Palakkad district, Kerala Vineetha P G, Sharnna T P & Prasoon S Testing of traditional ways of predicting lactation yield for selecting dairy cattle Dhanraj G Girimal, D Kumar, B N Shahi & Sundip Kumar Indigenous hydropriming practice for fastening seed germination might induce reciprocal effects in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under "on-farm" seed priming scenario V G Dhanya, M B Arun Kumar, C Bharadwaj & Amaresh AYUSH-64 as an adjunct to standard care in asymptomatic, mild, and moderate COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis A K Rai, A Ahmed, P Mundada, K K Venugopal, S Jameela, B Yadav, S Khanduri, B Chandrasekhararao & N Srikanth Study on elemental analysis, pesticides, antioxidant, marker compound and validation of conversion of Ajmodadi Churna, an Ayurvedic formulation into suitable dosage form Anima Pandey & Nazia Tabbasum A comparative parallel design clinical study of Qurse Asabi in cases of post herpetic neuralgia M Mohsin, M Shoaib & MAnas I dentification of Patala (Stereospermum colais and Stereospermum suaveolens roots) by pharmacognostic parameters A plant drug in Dasamula Latha S, Seethalakshrni S, Chamundeeswari D & Senthamarai R Wild edibles supplementing the food security of Guji Oromo semi-pastoralists, SuroBarguda District, Oromia, Ethiopia E A Mersha Ethnobotanical knowledge and socio-ecological significance of vernacular architecture of Adi community of Arunachal Himalaya in North-Eastern India Wishfully Mylliernngap, Om Prakash Arya & R C Sundriyalen_US
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