Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8583
HE DOWNLOAD Giving all countries a say on solar geoengineering; blimps make a comeback; lawyers in the metaverse; creating com- ics for the visually impaired; an app for immigrant victims of wage theft; forest bathing, digital-style; what to do about robotaxis.
EXPLAINED How can heat pumps combat climate change? We're entering the era of the heat pump. Here's a guide to how they work. By Casey Crown hart
PROFILE Mapping to save the world Molly Burhans is using GIS tools to map the Catholic Church's global landholdings- and fight climate change. By Whitney Bauck
Introduction: The future is disabled We need to take steps toward a more inclusive future-one that we all can inhabit. BY ASHLEY SHEW, GUEST EDITOR
Getting in touch with images At the New York Public Library, blind educator Chancey Fleet is working to make images accessible to everyone. BY CHANCEY FLEET
Connecting climate change and the digital divide Monica Sanders has spent her career advocating for more equitable disaster policies. She believes broad- band access needs to be a part of that conversation. BY COLLEEN HAGERTY
Still finding their voice For decades, assistive communication devices were available only to a small fraction of non-speaking people. The iPad should have revolutionized access. What happened? BY JULIE KIM
The border lottery An app was meant to streamline immigration at the border. It may be making things worse. BY WRENA Rios
Sonifying the sky Astronomers and other scientists are exploring ways to make data more accessible through sound. BY COREY S. POWELL
An unnatural world Three books that grapple with the role of humans in restoring natural ecosystems By Matthew Ponsford
Lithography's long journey The technologies that pro- duce today's chips are arnon humankind's most complex inventions. By Chris Mille
he forgotten history of highway photologs Decades before Google Street View, state governmel vans were photographing each mile of roadway. By Jon Keegan
AI did not make this crossword By John-Clark Levin
Issue Date: Jul-2023
Series/Report no.: Volume-126;Number-4
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8583
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (AIML)

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