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dc.subjectProfit maximization fuuy 40- TPwith budget constraint for breakable substitute items: a swarm based optimization approach P.K. Giri, M.K. Maiti and M. Maitien_US
dc.subjectAttribute-based characterization, coding, and selection of joining processesusing a novel MAOM approach R.S. Saluja and V. Singhen_US
dc.subjectPricing and revenue management for bank home loans: a mathematical approach S. Natesan, D. Thakur, G. Dutta and M.K. Tiwarien_US
dc.subjectndian citizens sentiment classification on Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 P. Kaur, P.K. Jain, A. Singh and N. Kumaren_US
dc.subjectSome distance measures for triangular fuuy numbers under technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution environment H.D. Arora and A. Naithanien_US
dc.subjectOptimal production run in an imperfect production process with maintenance under warranty and product insurance P.K. Ghosh, A.K. Manna, J.K. Dey and S. Karen_US
dc.subjectProduct process innovation model of fuuy optimal control of nonlinear system with finite time horizon under granular differentiability concept S. Hati and K. Maityen_US
dc.subjectInvestigating the ability of fuuy and robust OEAmodels to apply uncertainty conditions: an application for date palm producers M. Mardani Najafabadi, H. Kazmi, S. Shirzadi Laskookalayeh and A. Abdeshahien_US
dc.subjectPage-802-Markov interval chain (MIC) for solving a decision problem S. Semati and A. Gasmien_US
dc.subjectStatistical characterization of managerial risk factors: a caseof state-run hospitals in India C.R. Vishnu, E.N. Anilkumar, R. Sridharan and P.N.R. Kumaren_US
dc.subjectHeuristics for the shelf space allocation problem K. Czerniachowska, K. Michalak and M. Hernesen_US
dc.subjectMMO labeling of EASSof cartesian product of two graphs R. Revathi, D. Angel and I. Annammalen_US
dc.subjectModeling and solving the problem of scheduling university exams in terms of new constraints on the conflicts of professors' exams and the concurrence of exams with common questions S. Bazari, A. Pooya, O. Soleimani Fard and P. Roozkhoshen_US
dc.subjectA grey multi criteria decision making application for analyzing the essential reasons of recurrent lane change Y. ~elikbilek and S. Moslemen_US
dc.subjectStatistical brand switching model: an Hidden Markov approach K. Kumaraswamy and N.Ch. Bhatracharyuluen_US
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