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Title: POWER
Keywords: POWER
SPEAKING OF POWER Accelerating Sustainable Hydropower Development Around the World
GLOBAL MONITOR Companies Announce Advancements for Diesel-, Gas-Powered Engines
HE BIG PICTURE: Energy Land Use Intensity
Major Austrian Utility Optimizing Energy Storage with Battery Analytics Software
South Korea's First 'K-GasTurbine' Begins Commercial Operation
POWER Digest
FOCUS ON O&M EsterTransformer Fluids Bring Innovation to Clean Energy Systems
Planning Is Key to Successful Nuclear Refueling Outages
LEGAL & REGULATORY Streamlined Permitting Key to California's Floating OffshoreWind Development 17 By Lindsay Puckett, Stoel Rives LLP
Hydropower Horizons: Pioneering a PeltonTurbine Breakthrough 18 Replacing four vertical Pelton turbines at a 75-year-old pumped-storage hydro facility in Austria with a first-of-its-kind horizontal six-nozzle Pelton turbine was not an easy job. However, the innovative project could give the hydro- power sector new leverage to modernize
Solar Farm at a Landfill Site Brings New Meaning for Waste to Energy 20 A reclaimed landfill in New Jersey is the location of a landmark renewable energy project, showcasing the potential of brownfield sites when it comes to building more power generation
A Symbol of Courage and Invincibility: DTEK Completes Wind Farm Despite War 24 Building a power generation project in the middle of a war zone is no small feat. Staying the course despite the constant threat of attack takes a particular amount of mettle, and certainly requires courage. A wind farm in Ukraine is an example of that mettle, and that courage-and it's been honored with a POWER Top Plant award.
LECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Austin Energy Power Production Cable Defects 26 An energy company is rethinking and modifying its inspection process after problems with cables at aTexas power plant caused serious issues.
HYDROGEN Moving Toward a Hydrogen Economy-in the U.S. and Beyond 28 The hydrogen economy is coming. But how will it unfold? A variety of chal- lenges must be met, including the advent of new technologies, infrastructure buildout, and government support.
RISK MANAGEMENT AusNet Embraces Data-Driven Storm Impact Modeling 30 Electric utilities are not only gathering more data to inform their decisions, they also are using digital technologies to better analyze this data, helping them model and manage information to make their operations more efficient and economic.
POWER TRANSFORMERS How the EnergyTransition Is Impacting the Transformers Market 32 The global transformer market is preparing for upheaval as the power sector embraces new technologies, and the power grid evolves with the integration of renewables and the need for updated infrastructure.
MARNIE SURFACEBLOW Bowing Under Pressure 34 Marnie and Maya travel to Canada to troubleshoot issues at an older coal power plant that added wood pellets to its fuel mix. Marnie creates a laser show in the conveyor room to help identify the problem
COMMENTARY Building EnergyTransmissionTakesTime-Batteries Can Fill the Gap 40 By Eric Dresselhuys, ESSTech Inc
Page-WEB-EXTREME WEATHER Lessening the Impacts of Extreme Weather From droughts to wildfires, from severe storms to major hurricanes, extreme weather occurrences are at an all-time high. This article explains how to pre- pare for and respond to the impacts of different scenarios, as these events become more frequent, damaging, and costly. (Visit and search "Lessening the Impacts of Extreme Weather" to read this online-only exclusive.
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Series/Report no.: Volume-167;ISSUE-09
URI: http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/8571
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (CSBS)

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