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dc.subjectSPEAKING OF POWER Interconnection Constraints Threaten Success of Clean Energy Projectsen_US
dc.subjectGLOBAL MONITOR Integration of Hydropower and Hydrogen Gains Momentumen_US
dc.subjectSpace Solar Power Prototype Beams First Power to Earthen_US
dc.subjectTHE BIG PICTURE: A Global Hydropower Profileen_US
dc.subjectPOWER Digesten_US
dc.subjectFOCUS ON O&M Electric Utility Protocols Can Mitigate Impacts from Wildt'ren_US
dc.subjectLEGAL& REGULATORY Renewable Energy Insurers Trying to Limit Coverage for Severe Convective Storms By Jeffrey Meagher and Nick Chan, K&L Gates LLPen_US
dc.subjectEstrella del Mar III, a Visionary Floating Power Plant, Is POWER's Plant of the Year 14 POWER's highest honor goes to Estrella del Mar III, a 150-MW SeaFloat barge- mounted power plant that a team of international power professionals de- signed and built in Singapore, and then transported to and installed in the Dominican Republic. The innovative vessel-mounted gas-powered combined cycle power plant stands out for its efficient, economical, and resilient power solution that also addresses land and cost challengesen_US
dc.subjectREINVENTION AWARD Dania Beach Clean Energy Center: A Vital Power Resource for Southeast Florida 18 A modernization project at a gas-fired power plant serving an area near Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has provided needed upgrades to the facility, and improved the reliability and resilience of the area's electricity supply.en_US
dc.subjectWATER AWARD Dominion Energy's Reverse Osmosis Concentrate Recovery System Wins POWER's Water Award 20 A successful project to reduce water consumption at a nuclear power plant in Virginia features new technologies, designed around a reverse osmosis concentrate recovery system supported by input from the plant's workersen_US
dc.subjectHYDROGEN AWARD Hydrogen Pilot Validates Fuel-Blending Projects 22 Hydrogen is proving itself as an important fuel when it comes to decarbon- izing the power generation sector. A project at a power plant in Michigan, using Wartsila technology, provides a glimpse at how hydrogen blended with natural gas can provide reliable electricity and reduce carbon emissionsen_US
dc.subjectMID-YEAR INDUSTRY FORECAST Clean EnergyTransition Continues Despite Reliability, Supply Chain, and Financial Uncertainty The power generation sector continues to be challenged by supply chain and workforce issues, and concerns about grid reliability linger as groups warn of summer heat that could strain electricity resources. Industry insiders who spoke with POWER said energy storage will grow in importance to alleviate at least some of the problems.en_US
dc.subjectDISTRIBUTED ENERGY Not Your Mother's Microgrid Microgrids are a major part of the evolution of power generation, and the continuing incorporation of new technologies is enabling new levels of sophistication when it comes to their design.en_US
dc.subjectMARNIE SURFACEBLOW High Anxiety at Low Loads The new world of power generation brings new challenges for plant opera- tors and maintenance staff. Paying attention to detail, and knowing the latest information about plant systems and equipment, is a key to success.en_US
dc.subjectWEB-SAFETY Three Solutions to Fire Safety Challenges: Lessonsfrom the Energy Storage Industry Web While energy storage systems often carry lower fire risks than other forms of energy storage and processing-such as oil and gas refineries-the industry must answer some important questions about safety to avoid regulatory con- straints, community opposition, and clear up the confusion about whether energy storage systems are safe. (Visit and search "Three So- lutions to Fire Safety Challenges" to read this online-only exclusive.en_US
dc.subjectWEB-MATERIALS Developing Coatings for Use in Harsh Biomass Combustion Environments Web There is a real need to assess the potential for the use of different materi- als and coatings. Currently, the response to the new environments caused by low-carbon fuels has been the use of expensive nickel-based materials or coatings. This article looks at the behavior of three different coatings subject- ed to the new biomass environment. (Visit and search "Devel- oping Coatings for Use in Harsh Biomass Combustion Environments" to read this online-only exclusive.)en_US
dc.subjectWEB-WIND POWER Ways to Address the Wind PowerTechnologyTalent Gap Web As the wind power industry grows, so does the need for well-trained wind turbine service technicians. An executive with Pearce Renewables discusses the importance of workforce development and how independent service pro- viders and asset owners can support training initiatives. (Visit and search "Ways to Address the Wind Power Technology Talent Gap" to read this online-only excen_US
dc.subjectCOMMENTARY Three Ways Natural Gas Will Bolster Decarbonization Efforts By Kevin Greiner, Gas Southen_US
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