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dc.subjectCOMMENTARIES The bioethanol production for blending into petrol V.S.Maliken_US
dc.subjectThe war for apoplastic water: stomatal control as a key strategy in bacterial pathogenesis A. Choudhary . M. Senthil-Kumaren_US
dc.subjectREVIEWARTICLES Genetic engineering of plants for phytoremediation: advances and challenges K. Kumar· A. Shinde . V. Aeron . A. Verma- N.S. Arifen_US
dc.subjectApplication of NGS-BSA and proposal of Modified QTL-seq X. Wang· G. Wangen_US
dc.subjectORIGINALARTICLES Identification of shoot and root genomic regions in response to nitrogen deficiency tolerance in rice through the use of rice back cross recombinant inbred lines (BRILs) A.M. Solangi· H. K.hanzada· G.M. Wassan· A. Rasheed· A.A. Keerio . H. Li . S. K.hanzada . M. Fabeem . M.A. Laghari . 1. Bian . X. Pan· Z. Wuen_US
dc.subjectUnderstanding aquaporins regulation and silicon uptake in carrot (Daucus carota) N. Rajora . V. Thakral . Geetika- S. Vats· G. Padalkar . S. Sudhakaran . S. Kumawat . H. Sonab . R. Deshmukhen_US
dc.subjectLeaf and rhizome transcriptome assembly and expression analysis of genes involved in terpene biosynthesis in Dioscorea opposita D. Hou . Y. Wang· R. Zhang· X. Zhao . Z. Ma . Z. Fan . L. Wang- X. Liu . J. Zhangen_US
dc.subjectComparing the structural characteristics and expression of GA20x gene in dwarf banana and its wild type J. Lin . D. Feng . Y. Li . S. Xiao . W. Xuanen_US
dc.subjectOverexpressing 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase and stilbene synthase fusion genes in red raspberry plants leads to resveratrol accumulation and improved resistance against Botrytis cinerea 1. Zhang· X. Yan . T. Huang· H. Liu . F. Liu . M. Yang· M. Yang· L. Maen_US
dc.subjectNucleotide diversity and molecular characterization of soluble starch synthase I gene in wheat and its ancestral species M. Singh- S. Kaur . A. Kaur . 1.S. Yadav . P. Sharma- P. Chhuneja . K. Singhen_US
dc.subjectFurther insights into the association of the protein phosphatase gene ABll with drought and salinity stress respouses in Brassica species R. Shamloo-Dashtpagerdi . H. Razi . A. Alemzadeh· E. Ebrabimieen_US
dc.subjectCharacterization of biochemical indicators and metabolites linked with rancidity and browning of pearl millet flour during storage A. Ali . R.R. Kumar· T. Vinutha· N. Bansal H. Bollinedi . S.P. Singh· C.T. Satyavathi . S. Praveen . S. Goswamien_US
dc.subjectOverexpression of AtMYBllS gene in transgenic rice exhibits increased early regeneration and results in dwarf phenotype T. Victorathisayam . A. Muthuganeshan . K. Subhalakshmi . G. Sridevien_US
dc.subjectPurification, characterization and antioxidant efficacy testing of trypsin inhibitor protein from Anonna squamosa seeds K.P. Lijith . K. Merin Rinky . D. Gayathri Devien_US
dc.subjectRNA interference-induced silencing of the SlHSP17.7 gene delays fruit ripening in tomato W. Liu . X. Zhao . B. Bai . Y. Xie . D. Li . X. Mao . N. Zhangen_US
dc.subjectPotential of Zingiber zerumbet endophytic Fusarium oxysporum as biopriming agents to control Pythium mediated soft-rot and optimization of fermentation conditions for cytotoxic metabolite(s) production D. Keerthi . K. Harsha K. Harshitha- A.R. Nairen_US
dc.subjectComparative transcriptome analysis and identification of flavonoid biosynthesis related genes from fruits of different Ficus hirta varieties R. Chen· X. Wang· Z. Laien_US
dc.subjectSHORT COMMUNICATIONS A quick and simple gel diffusion assay to visualize and quantify pullulanase activity for resistant starch content in food crops V. Krishnan- M. Awana . A. Kulshreshta . S. Praveen . A. Singhen_US
dc.subjectromising rice genotypes with enhanced root growth and HMA transporter gene expression under zinc deficient conditions W.B. Barrera Jr.. S. Bej . K. Suman· M. Surapaneni . R.M. Sundaram· C.N. Neerajaen_US
dc.subjecta-Aminoadipic acid metabolism is controlled by the glutathione-dependent redox environment in Arabidopsis Z. Gulyas· L. Simon-Sarkadi . B. Moncsek . M. Pal . G. Kocsyen_US
dc.subjectFurther articles can be found at Indexed/abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, CSA, CAB International, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Biobase, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Global Health, Indian Science Abstracts, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest Instructions for Authors for 1. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. are available at
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