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dc.publisherAccess Intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectSPEAKING OF POWER Inertia and the Power Grid: Should We Be Worried About System Stability?en_US
dc.subjectGLOBAL MONITOR-Dutch Officials Set Funding for Nuclear Power Programen_US
dc.subjectOTEC, a Long-Stalled Baseload Ocean Power Technology, Is Seeing a Swellen_US
dc.subjectTHE BIG PICTURE:The EPA's Newest Carbon Ruleen_US
dc.subjectJapan Moving Forward on Nuclear AccidentTolerant Fuelsen_US
dc.subjectPOWER Digesten_US
dc.subjectFOCUS ON O&M-To Repower or Not to Repower?That's the Question; Here's How Asset Owners Can Answer Iten_US
dc.subjectLEGAL & REGULATORY-FERC Can Support Hydrogen by Taking Jurisdiction Over Interstate Pipelines By Ken Irvin and Grace Gerbas, Sidley Austin LLPen_US
dc.subjectCOVER FOCUS: CONNECTED PLANT Dynamic Innovations in Power Sector Digitalization 18 New digital tools and approaches are fueling innovative applications in the power sector, promising to resolve long-standing or complex issues across the industry-from generator to consumeren_US
dc.subjectSPECIAL REPORT: CUG PLANT OF THE YEAR A-LongTime Coming: Rawhide Unit 11s Coal Users' Group Plant of the Year A coal-fired power plant in a picturesque location in northern Colorado has been named the Coal Users' Group's Plant of the Year. The Rawhide Energy Station Unit 1 is owned and operated by the Platte River Power Authority.en_US
dc.subjectFEATURES: COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL POWER-Reducing Operational Constraints and Emissions by Increasing Flexible Energy Capacity 26 It's important for companies that want to control energy costs, and be more sustainable, to set a baseline for their organization's energy usage and emis- sions. That will enable a more optimal use of flexible capacity when determin- ing their energy profile.en_US
dc.subjectASSET MANAGEMENT Five ReasonsWhy Power Plant Owners Should Consider RepurposingTheir Assets --Power plants don't always have to be retired-in many cases, they can be repurposed. They can be converted to run on a different fuel, repowered to upgrade their performance-or even used as a modern synchronous con- denser to support the power grid, taking advantage of the infrastructure al- ready in place.en_US
dc.subjectRELIABILITY & RESILIENCY-Rethinking Energy Reliability with Modern Power Systems--Power system operators are facing new challenges when it comes to provid- ing a reliable, resilient supply of electricity. The issues include more frequent extreme weather events, the introduction of new generation technologies, cybersecurity threats, and a power-consuming public placing more demands on the grid.en_US
dc.subjectWIND POWER-New Tech Highlights Innovation, Spurs Growth in Wind Energy --Many advancements have been made in wind power technology in recent years, with developers in both the onshore and offshore sectors working to design turbines capable of capturing more energy and producing more power.en_US
dc.subjectTRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION--Improving the U.S. Electric Power Grid: Mitigating Vulnerabilities and Enhancing Operation--Power companies, along with government entities, are investing in the U.S. power system as the importance of a strong power grid becomes more evi- dent.en_US
dc.subjectGAS POWER Restoring Power Plants to Dependable Peak Efficiency 40 Reliability is a must for natural gas-fired peaker plants, which must be ready when called to produce power at times of heavy demand for electricity. It's important for plant operators to be proactive when it comes to maintenance to ensure their units are in top condition.en_US
dc.subjectCOMMENTARY New Technologies Are Making Nuclear Energy Safer and More Efficient 44 By Christopher Crosby, AVEVAen_US
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