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dc.publisherAccess Intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectSPEAKING OF POWSPEAKING OF POWER-War and Nuclear Power: Stakes Are High for People, Environment, and IndustryER War and Nuclear Power: Stakes Are High for People, Environment, and Industryen_US
dc.subjectGLOBAL MONITOR Page-6-Projects Underway as Part of UK's Hydrogen 'Plan Page-8-THE BIG PICTURE: Global Coal-to-Gas SwitchingPage-10- Major Energy Players Seal Big Deals for Renewables Page-12-Nuclear Power Is Finally Poised to Ramp Up Again in Japan Page-12-POWER Digesten_US
dc.subjectFOCUS ON O&M Reduce Plant Fuel Use, Emissions, and Operating Cost with Performance Models and Predictive Maintenanceen_US
dc.subjectLEGAL & REGULATORY IRA's Impact on Power Generation: Clock Is Ticking to Maximize NewTax Credits ByThomas Unke, BakerTilly US LLPen_US
dc.subjectCOVER FOCUS: HYBRID POWER Hybrids Combine Technologies to Enhance Electricity Production 18 Hybrid power plants-those generation facilities combining two or more tech- nologies to produce electricity-are growing rapidly as utilities and power producers combine renewable energy resources with energy storage, as well as with diesel- and natural gas-fueled generators.en_US
dc.subjectFEATURES: SOLAR POWER Tracker Configurations for Bifacial Modules Support Distributed Generation Sites 21 Tracker selection is critical to the success of a distributed solar generation project. The use of larger and heavier modules, and the adoption of bifacial technology, may require operators to think differently about the design of their systems.en_US
dc.subjectCOAL Water Quality Management and Control-Managing the Second-Largest Waste Material in the U.S. 26 Managing coal ash, particularly when it comes to protecting bodies of wa- ter near coal-fired power plants, is critical for facility operators and requires strong water quality management, monitoring, and control systems.en_US
dc.subjectCYBERSECURITY Cybersecurity Requires Understanding Humans as Much asTechnology-Here's How 28 A strong cybersecurity strategy requires more than just a set of tools to keep inforrnation safe. Understanding how the people in your organization view cybersecurity, and their knowledge of steps to take to protect data, is every bit as important as deploying the right softwareen_US
dc.subjectHEAT TRANSFER Insulation Pays Off: The Business Case for Insulation EnergyAppraisals 30 The insulation industry has a role to play in helping industrial facilities, includ- ing power generation plants, operate more effectively. The insulation sector is focused on conserving energy and utilizing it more efficiently, slowing heat transfer and reducing carbon emissionsen_US
dc.subjectTRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION How to Reduce Risks at Distribution Pole Storage Sites 32 Georgia Power has a new design fpr facilities where the utility stores its pow- erline poles, emphasizing a "safety first" approach to maintainen_US
dc.subjectREMOTE MONITORING How Monitoring and Diagnostics Centers Benefit the Power Industry 33 Remote monitoring of power plants has come a long way over the past 25 years. GE's power generation monitoring and diagnostics center began small but it now monitors about 1,000 plants around the world, providing a wide range of benefits for the company's customers.en_US
dc.subjectPOWER AWARDS large Hydro Station Wins POWER's Highest Honor, 21 Additional Outstanding Projects Recognized in 2022 34 Power plants from across the generation spectrum were honored this year as recipients of a POWER Top Plant award, with a massive hydropower project in China recognized as Plant of theYear. Nearly two dozen facilities, both ther- mal and renewable, were highlighted for their innovation and other notable achievements.en_US
dc.subjectOMMENTARY --Exploring Innovative Solutions for Nuclear Waste By Patrick White, PhD, Nuclear Innovation Allianceen_US
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