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REVIEW ARTICLES Designing 3D printable food based on fruit and vegetable products-opportunities and challenges R. Waghmare· D. Suryawanshi . S. Karadbhajne
Food grade nanoemulsions: promising delivery systems for functional ingredients F. Islam- F. Saeed- M. Afzaal . M. Hussain· A. Ikram . M.A. Khalid
Regulatory landscape of risk assessment of pesticide residues in processed foods in India: a perspective M. Muralidhara . S. Mithyantha . T.P. Rajendran . K. Banerjee
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) as a common sugar substitute and its application in food matrices: an updated review LP. Schiatti-Sis6 . S.E. Quintana- L.A. Garcfa-Zapateiro
A review on some properties of almond: unpact of processing, fatty acids, polyphenols, nutrients, bioactive properties, and health aspects M.M. Ozcan
ORIGINAL ARTICLES--Effect of blended fermented beverages from blood fruit and aonIa with two types of organic sweetener R.F. Hingba . A.K Chaurasiya
Application of microwave treatment for reduction of microbial load in jaggery cubes P. Halde· S. Deotale· Y.N. Pawar· U. Annapure· A. Devkate . Y Chavan
The effect of carboxymethyl cellulose and ~-cyclodextrin as debittering agents on bitterness and physicochemical properties of bitter gourd extract C.T.H. Tran· P. Nargotra H.T.C. Pham· D.M. Lieu P.K Huynh- H.-M.D. Wang· C.-D. Dong· C.-H. Kuo
Rapid detection of sunset yellow adulteration in tea powder with variable selection coupled to machine learning tools using spectral data R. Amsaraj . S. Mutturi
Page-1541-Duplex real-time peR assay with high-resolution melt analysis for the detection and quantification of Listeria species and Listeria monocytogenes in meat products M.R. Vishnuraj . G. Ajay . N. Aravind Kumar· J. Renuka . N. Pollumahanti . H. Anusha Chauhan- S. Vaithiyanathan . D.B. Rawool . S.B. Barbuddhe
Quantitative assessment of adulteration of coconut oil using transmittance multispectral imaging S. Herath . H.K Weerasooriya· D.YL. Ranasinghe· w.G.c. Bandara . Y.R. Herath . R.!. Godaliyadda . M.P.B. Ekanayake . T. Madhujith
Evaluation of the survival of homofermentative Lacticaseibacillus casei subsp. casei in fermented milk matrix enriched with non-digestible natural fibers E.!. Morales-Rios . H. Rios-Guerra . J. Espinosa-Raya . R. G6mez-Pliego
Utilization of photo-luminescent technique toward viscosity detection in the liquid food system with triphenylamine-michaelitic acid molecular sensor L. xo H. Peng· G. Ma· Y Huang
ffect of thermosonication on bioactive compounds, enzymatic and microbiological inactivation in nectar with strawberry by-products D.M. Sotelo-Lara G.G. Amador-Espejo· Y.M. Zamora-Gasga· P. Gutierrez-Martinez· R.M. Velazquez-Estrada
nvestigation of the physicochemical properties of the thin slices of dried pork meat paper mixed with squid P.-H. Huang· C.-Y Hou· c:»: Hsieh· K-C. Cheng· J.-Y Ciou . Y-T. Qiu . Ci-C. Huang S.H. Hazeena
Investigation of the optimal production conditions for egg white hydrolysates and physicochemical characteristics c.-Y. Hou . S.H. Hazeena S.-L. Hsieh J.-Y. Ciou· c.w. Hsieh· M.-K. Shih· M.-H. Chen· c.w. Tu . P.-H. Huang
High resolution melting is a useful tool to detect animal species sources of various milk types K. Hurkan . M. Bulut
Influence of l-irradiation on physicochemical, functional, proximate, and antioxidant characteristics of pigmented rice flours M. Smita . K. Meera . H. Sundaramoorthy . D. Jha . B.C. Mohan- G. Pavithraa . C.K. Reddy
Evaluation of egg white hydrolysates on the hepatoprotective effect in vitro and in vivo Y.-T. Chen- c.v: Tu· c.v Hou· Y.-A. Chen· R.-Q. xo C.-H. Kuo . c.-C. Wu . S.-L. Hsieh
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Vol-60;Number-5
ISSN: 0022-1155
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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