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dc.subjectSyntheses and characterizations of nitrobenzaldehyde amino acid Schiff base reductive amination compounds Condensation of 2-nitrobenzaldehyde with five amino acids (valine, glycine, leucine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid) gives the corresponding Schiff bases, which upon treatment with NaBH4 afford the reductive amination products 1-5. CtC HO I + h N02 1. NaOH 2. NaSH, 3. HClfH,O COOH J... CCN R I H ....-:::N02 i-H 2 ~COOH 4 ~COOH 6 Yu-Rou Jiang, Dan Su, Mu-Zhao Wang, Ai-Quan Jia & Qian-Feng Zhang* Institute of Molecular Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Anhui University of Technology,en_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of new complex (B406(OH)z)(CIC6H4SOJ)4 and investigation of its thermal decomposition New complex [Bi606(OH)2](CIC6~S03)4 is synthesized and its thermal behavior is studied. Three decomposition temperatures (369, 558 and 662°C) are selected for isothermal heating according to DTA- TG. The phase composition of solid residues obtained at these temperatures is resolved by XRD and FTIR analysis. Nikolay Kaleyanov''<, Alexander Zahariev'v" , Veneta Parvanova, Georgi Avdeev & Christian Girginov a Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 8 St. Kliment Ohridski blvd., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria b Department of Chemistry, Technical University, 8 St. Kliment Ohridski blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgariaen_US
dc.subjectImpact of host-guest complexation between norfloxacin and jl-cyclodextrin on fluorescence quenching: Steady-state and time resolved fluorescence study I: 1 host-guest interaction of norfloxacin (NFX) with 13- cyclodextrin (I3-CD) and localization ofNFX and Cu2+in I3-CD on nature of quenching has been studied Prabhati Padhan, R K Sethi, S N Panda & P K Behera*en_US
dc.subjectSynthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel (1- phenyl-lH-l,2,3-triazo-4-yl)methyl-2-acetamido-l- phenyl-1H-benzo[f)chromene-3-carboxylate and 2- amino-octahydro-4-phenyl-2H-chromene-3-carbo- nitrile Novel (I-phenyl-IH-I ,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl-2-acetarnido-l- phenyl-lH-benzo[f] benzo[f]chromene-3-carboxylate 6a-i have been synthesized and show the best profile of activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Aspergillus Jumigatus. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of the synthetic compounds have been compared with the conventional antibiotics Chloramphenicol and Amphotericin-B 420 CONTENTS 437 Impact of host-guest complexation between norfloxacin and jl-cyclodextrin on fluorescence quenching: Steady-state and time resolved fluorescence study I: 1 host-guest interaction of norfloxacin (NFX) with 13- cyclodextrin (I3-CD) and localization ofNFX and Cu2+in I3-CD on nature of quenching has been studied. Prabhati Padhan, R K Sethi, S N Panda & P K Behera*en_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles utilizing ethyl 2- cyano-2-(2-nitrophenylsulfonyloxyimino) acetate (ortho-nosyIOXY) as a catalyst and dehydrating reagent under microwave irradiation An optimized microwave-assisted synthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles from carboxylic acids and amidoximes using ethyl 2-cyano-2-(2- nitrophenylsulfonyloxyimino) acetate (ortho-NosyIOXY) as an activating agent of carboxylic acid for O-acylation step followed by cyclization step in one pot with significantly good yield is reported. Interestingly, the same reagent, ortho-NosyIOXY, acts as a catalyst for the first step and helps as a dehydrating agent for the second step. Jyoti Chandraen_US
dc.subjectInvestigation of chalcone cyclized pyrazole derivatives as an anti-inflammatory agent: In-vivo and in-silico molecular docking approach A novel pyrazole condensed with chalcone and pyrazoline derivatives have been synthesized. NJD I would be the most potent compound (30.10 ± 0.02%) found to be inhibitory in rats. Molecular docking studies have been conducted on PDB: ITD7. CONTENTS 421 454 Synthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles utilizing ethyl 2- cyano-2-(2-nitrophenylsulfonyloxyimino) acetate (ortho-nosyIOXY) as a catalyst and dehydrating reagent under microwave irradiation An optimized microwave-assisted synthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles from carboxylic acids and amidoximes using ethyl 2-cyano-2-(2- nitrophenylsulfonyloxyimino) acetate (ortho-NosyIOXY) as an activating agent of carboxylic acid for O-acylation step followed by cyclization step in one pot with significantly good yield is reported. Interestingly, the same reagent, ortho-NosyIOXY, acts as a catalyst for the first step and helps as a dehydrating agent for the second step. O-N Smln I II ====:=~~> R~N"""""'R' 1000C 50 Watt Yield upto 98% 1111 MW Irradiation Jyoti Chandra Department of Chemistry, Patna Women's College, Patna University, Patna 800 001, India 465 Investigation of chalcone cyclized pyrazole derivatives as an anti-inflammatory agent: In-vivo and in-silico molecular docking approach A novel pyrazole condensed with chalcone and pyrazoline derivatives have been synthesized. NJD I would be the most potent compound (30.10 ± 0.02%) found to be inhibitory in rats. Molecular docking studies have been conducted on PDB: ITD7. "_001I NIDI .• " .... " .• " ! ~~nnr.s •r 1 , "17 11 " " ':::=.:::- - --0 _ • ~oHJ .~D:2(!6r19\;1po) ."""""""'....,.lfCOXB(4OIr'9\fpoj ..,.. 4:-_ Naman Jain, Raihan Abdu, Omkar Tambekar, Mayuri Bedse, Tanvi Goel, Sanal Dev & DeepaJien_US
dc.subjectDesign and development of salen-type Schiff bases as potential antivirus agents: Experimental and theoretical approach Five new salen-type Schiff base compounds (LHz-L 4Hz) have been designed and synthesized and their interaction with SARS- CoV-2, HIV virus and DNA polymerase IV have been studied by in silico approaches. Sunil Kumar & Mukesh Choudhary*en_US
dc.subjectA homogeneous polypyridine-based manganese catalytic system: Reducing COz to CO under visible light Photocatalytic conversion of C02to CO was achieved with high turnover using simpleMn-Based homogeneous catalysts, and a reaction mechanism is presented. Yu-mei Chen, Ke-Xin Zhou, Quan-Qing Xu* & Zhi-Yang* Kiran R Kharat, Rajesh S Bhosale, Kamalakar P Nandre, Madan R Biradar, Sheshanath V Bhosale & Sidhanath V Bhosale*en_US
dc.subjectSerendipitous late-stage modification of dipeptide by using AIBN and thioacetic acid Novel quinoline substituted pyrimidine heterocyclic azo dye derivatives have been synthesized, characterized and evaluated for in vitro antimicrobial activity. Out of all the phenol derivatives, Naphthol substituted compounds have come out as remarkably active antimicrobial scaffolds with excellent dye characteristics Sambasivarao Kotha*, Naveen Kumar Gupta & Saima Ansarien_US
dc.subjectAn effective colorimetric and fluorescent chemosensor derived from modified curcumin for the detection of the Fe3+ ion From curcumin and l-arninonaphthalene, the chemosensor NlBMP (4,4'-(3,5-bis(naphthalene-l-ylimjno )hepta-I ,6-diene- 1,7-diyl)bis(2-methoxyphenol)) has been prepared. For Fe3+ as opposed to other metal ions, NIBMP serves as both a colorimetric and a fluorescence turn-off sensor. Pappian Rajam & Rajaram Mahalakshmy*en_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of linear cis-anti-cis triquinane derivative via a [3+2J cycloaddition and Krapcho decarboxylation as key steps A short synthetic sequence to a linear triquinane is reported involving [3+2] cycloaddition, oxidative cleavage of double bond using ruthenium catalyst followed by decarboxylation. By this methodology, norbomene double bond can be easily cleaved to obtain the linear triquinane unit. This methodology is useful for the synthesis of natural and non-natural products having fused cyclopentane ring systems. Sambasivarao Kotha* & Arpit Agrawalen_US
dc.subjectPage-532-dditions and Correctionsen_US
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