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Page-153-Artificial Intelligence in Education: Are we ready? Mamidala Jagadesh Kuma
Page-155-Studying the Effect of Syntactic Simplification on Text Summarization Niladri Chatterjee and Raksha Agarwal
Page-167-An Improved 2-Factor Authentication Scheme for WSN Based on ECC Bhanu Chander and Gopalakrishnan Kumaravelan
Page-179-Mediator-Free and Rapid Glucose Sensing Using 5-Turn Meandered Signal Coplanar Sensor (MSCS)with Rectangular PDMS Cavity for the Sensitivity Enhancement Swati Todi and Poonam Agarwal
Page-190-An Empirical Review on Evaluating the Impact of Image Segmentation on the Classification Performance for Skin Lesion Detection Lokesh Singh, Rekh Ram Janghel and Satya Prakash Sahu
Page-202-Fiber Bragg Gratings in Healthcare Applications: A Review Manish Mishra and Prasant Kumar Sahu
Page-220-Formulation of Switching Instant for Improved Dynamic Performance in the Predictive Current Control Technique Sandeep Ojha and Rajesh Gupta
Page-234-Magnetic Structure Based Improvement of Output Torque of Switched Reluctance Machine: A Review Thirumalasetty Mouli and Gopalaratnam Narayanan
Page-252-Investigation ofTorque Ripple Behaviour for Five-Level Inverter-Fed Modified Model Predictive Torque Control-Based PMSM Drive Poondla Dharmendra Kumar and Tejavathu Ramesh
Page-268-A Proposal, Design, and Analysis of Planar Feed Gasket Antennas with Modified Substrate for Multiband Vehicular Applications Deepanshu Kaushal and Rajeevan Chande
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-40;NUMBER-2
ISSN: 0256-4602
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (AEIE)

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