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Keywords: OPSEARCH
Investigating the barriers to growth in the Indian food processing sector G. Singh, Y. Daultani and R. Sahu An intuitive fuzzy approach for evaluating financial resiliency of supply chain I.G. Sahebi, S.P. Toufighi, G. Karakaya and S. Ghorbani Application of polygonal fuzzy numbers to the basic economic order quantity model i. Ozcan and S. Aytar Estimation and testing procedures for the reliability characteristics of Kumaraswamy-G distributions based on the progressively first failure censored samples A. Chaturvedi, R. Garg and S. Saini A comparison of logarithmic goal programming and conjoint analysis to generate priority point vectors: an experimental approach S.R. Natesan and G. Dutta Correspondence between a new classof generalized cone convexity and higher order duality A. Kaur and M.K. Sharma On some multiplicative version topological indices of block shift and hierarchical hypercube networks P. Sarkar, N. De and A. P On some multiplicative version topological indices of block shift and hierarchical hypercube networks P. Sarkar, N. De and A. P Joint optimization of the marketing and operations functions L.Tadj and S. Djemili FGPapproach to quadratically constrained multi-objective quadratic fractional programming with parametric functions V. Goyal, N. Rani and D. Gupta Single part reconfigurable flow line design using fuzzy best worst method G. Kumar, K.K.Goyal, N.K. Batra and D. Rani Robust discrete spanning tree problem: local search algorithms P. Sharma, S. Singh, D. Ghosh and R. Chandrasekaran A bargaining model for sharing water in a river with negative externality S.S. Patel and P. Ramachandran A sustainable production inventory model for profit maximization under optimum raw material input rate during production N. Bhattacharjee and N. Sen Dynamic analysis of R&D in an oligopoly under general demand and cost functions M. Hattori and Y.Tanaka
Issue Date: Apr-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-59;Number-2
ISSN: 0030-3887
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (CSE)

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