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Page-4- From the Editor Page-6-Letter Page-8-Science Agenda The livestock agriculture system is one of the largest users of antibiotics, and it's endangering uman health. By the Editors
Page-9-Forum When artificial intelligence causes harm, who is responsible? By GeorgeMaliha and Ravi B. Parikh
Page-10-Advances Octopus arms' strange nerves. Predieting deadly pregnancy disease. An airy secret of successful dinos.
Page-20-Meter The poetry of Europa, the smallest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons By Kate Gleason
Page-21-The Science of Health Ubiquitous chemicals caned phthalates may harm sperm and pregnancies. By Claudia Wallis
Page-22-Q & A An interview with mathematician Melanie Matchett Wood, a recently named MacArthur "Genius.By Rachel Crowell
Page-68-Mind Matters-ou're not just getting older; you're getting less stressed out By Daisy Yuhas
Page-70-The Universe-Neutrinos from an active galaxy show how supermassive blackholes gobble matter. by Phil Plait
Page-72-Reviews Plant intelligence. Wolves a archetypes of fear. Better health hrough art. Consciousness in a technofascist future. A horror story of primal instincts. By Amy Brady
Page-74-Observatory Eight billion people on the planet are crowding out all other life. By Naomi Oreskes
Page-75-50, 100 & 150 Years Ago By Mark Fischetti
Page-76-Graphic Science The science behind the brightnes of spring green leaves. By Clara Moskowitz and Rebecca Konte
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (General)

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