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Page-429-Towards chemical characterization and possible applications of jucara fruit: an approach to remove Euterpe edulis Martius from the extinction list D. Cunha de Souza Pereira- F. dos Santos Gomes· R. Valeriano Tonon . C. Beres· L. Maria Correa Cabral
Page-441-A concise review on oil extraction methods, nutritional and therapeutic role of coconut products P.M. Divya B.S. Roopa- C. Manusha- P. Balannara
Page-453-Textural characteristics and color analyses of 3D printed gluten-free pizza dough and crust S. Dey - C. Maurya N. Hettiarachchy· H.-S. Seo· W. Zhou
Page-464-Isolation, characterization, and utilization of wheat bran protein fraction for food application A.N. Uttarn . S. Padte . G.J.Y. Raj . K. Govindaraju . S. Kumar 4
Page-474-Formulation with sage tea-loaded fish oil-based microcapsules to delay oxidation M. Durmus . Y. Ucar . AR. Kosker . Y. Ozogul . G. Ozyurt . Z. Ceylan
Page-484-Extraction and characterisation of type I collagen from the skin offcuts generated at the commercial fish processing centres A.G.D.M. Ampitiya . S.T. Gonapinuwala . C.A.N. Fernando· M.D.S.T. de Croos
Page-494-Peppermint essential oil volatiles as natural alternative to prevent potato sprouting induced by gibberellic acid W.M.F. da Silva- D.H. Kringel . B. Biduski . H.C.S. Hackbart· E. da Rosa Zavareze· ARG. Dias
Page-504-Genomic and pro biotic attributes of Lactobacillus strains from rice-based fermented foods of North Eastern India B.K. Mishra· S. Das . S.K. Nandy . M. Patel- S. Hati
Page-517-Effect of addition of Syrian thyme (Thymus syriacus) on physiochemical and sensory quality of Sudanese Mudaffara cheese during storage T.M.M.A. EI gabali- O.A.M. Jadain- LE.M. EI Zubeir
Page-528-Studies on effect of multigrain use in the preparation of Littil Baati: A traditional food of Northern part of India (UP, Jharkhand and Bihar) S.G. Walde· S. Verma- M. Khan . B.N. Mishra
Page-538-Physicochemical and functional properties of new sports drink with ricotta cheese 'whey and a brazilian passion fruit variety G.S. Silva- C.D.P. da Costa Castro- G.S.C. Borges- S.T. de Freitas· S.T. Aidar . AC.T. Biasoto . AC.P. Rybka- H.R. Cardarelli
Page-549-Potential application of modified date powder by microwave radiation, ultrasonication and chemical pretreatments as coffee substitute: its biochemical properties and consumer preferences A Hematian Sourki . R Roozitalab . A Ghani
Page-562-Changes in the physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of Sichuan hotpot oil H. Zhang· P. Gao . Z. Chen- H. Liu . W. Zhong· C. Hu . D. He· X. Wang
Page-572-Effects of roasting on alkylpyrazin compounds and properties of cocoa powder N. Asefi . S. Ebrahirnzadegan . R. Maleki . S.S. Seiiedlou-Heris
Page-581-Biopreservatives against foodborne bacteria: combined effect of nisin and nanoncapsulated curcumin and co-encapsulation of nisin and curcumin M.B. Quichaba T.F.M. Moreira A de Oliveira- AS. de Carvalho- J.L. de Menezes- O.H. Goncalves . B.A de Abreu Filho . F.Y. Leimann
Page-590-Correlation between free fatty acids content and textural properties of Gouda cheese supplemented with denatured whey protein paste RI. EI-Metwally· RK. EI-Menawy· M.M. Ismail
Page-600-An assessment of the intact casein content in natural cheddar cheese to determine its suitability in processed cheeses with desired properties D. Chaudhary· Ci'I, Suresh· Y. Khetra- G.S. Meena S. Hoss
Page-609-Limited enzymatic hydrolysis of green coffee protein as a technique for preparing new functional food components M. Ali . H. Rawel . M. Hellwig
Page-621-uality index method developed for raw anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) stored in ice L.M. Pennisi- A.R. Di Rosa- L. Nalbone· F Giarratana
Page-630-Prevalence of macrolide-Iincosamide-streptogramin resistant lactic acid bacteria isolated from food samples M. Ashwini . M. Ray· K. Sumana . P.M. Halami
Page-643-Understanding the variations in dielectric properties of mustard (Brassica nigra L.) and argemone (Argemone mexicana) oil blends at different temperatures A. Sudhakar . S.K. Chakraborty· A. Kate
Page-654-Migration of silver nanoparticles from plastic materials, with antimicrobial action, destined for food contact FS. Bazilio . L.M.G. dos Santos· C.B. Silva- S.A.V Neto . C.A. Senna B.S. Archanjo . S. do Couto Jacob· S. de Mello Pereira Abrantes
Page-666-Estimated daily intake of epichlorohydrin and certain heavy metals of bagged and loose black teas S.M.F Nour . A.M.M. El-Desoky . N.A. Hassan . K.A. Osman
Page-679-Exploring the synergistic effects of essential oil and plant extract combinations to extend the shelf life and the sensory acceptance of meat products: multi-antioxidant systems N. Khodaei· M. Houde· S. Bayen S. Karboune
Page-692-The effect of pH on the rheological and physical properties of analogue pizza cheese H.M. Ali . J.A.O. Ahmed- I.E.M. El Zubeir
Page-701-Antioxidant activity of labneh made from cashew milk and its combination with cow or camel milk using different starter cultures A.B. Shori . O.S. Al-sulbi
Page-710-The effects of Shirazi thyme (Zataria multiflora) oil nanoemulsion on the quality of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannameii during refrigerated storage F Rezaei . S. Hosseinzadeh . S. Basiri . M.-T. Golmakani . A. Gholarnhosseini . S.S. Shekarforoush
Page-720-Effect of milk fat and its main fatty acids on oxidation and glycation level of milk X. Zhao . H. Yan . J. Cao . B. Ye . Y. Zhao . L. Liu
Page-732-Physicochemical and functional properties of egg white peptide powders under different storage conditions Y. Yu· S. Guan· X. Li . B. Sun- S. Lin· F Gao
Page-742-Food grade nanoemulsion development to control food spoilage microorganisms on bread surface Y. Ben-Fadhel . M. Aragones . C. Martinez· S. Salrnieri . Z. Allahdad· M. Lacroix
Page-752-he use of cold plasma technology in solving the mold problem in Kashar cheese G. Akarca- A. Atik - iAtik -AJ. Denizkara
Page-761-Effects of glycosidase on glycoside-bound aroma compounds in grape and cherry juice Z. Wang· K. Chen· C. Liu . L. Ma . J. Li
Page-772-Lateral flow immunoassay-based absolute point-of-care technique for authentication of meat and commercial meat products R. Banerjee- N.B. Maheswarappa S. Biswas· S. Dasoju . S. Barbuddhe . VM. Rajan . G. Patra . D. Bhattacharyya
Page-783-Omics data reveals the phenolic fingerprint of Brazilian whole wheat flours of different technological qualities L.R da Silva Lima- M.C. Barros Santos- Ci'F, dos Santos D' Almeida- L.c. Cameron- L.c. Gutkoski . M.S.L. Ferreira
Page-797-Stabilization of oil-water emulsions with protein concentrates from the microalga Tetradesmus obliquus VS. Lima D.RB. de Oliveira- c.A.S. da Silva- RC. Santana- N.FF Soares- E.B. de Oliveira- M.A. Martins· J.S.R Coimbra
Further articles can be found at 197 2018 Impact Factor: 1.797 Indexed/abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed (/2 months embargo), PubMedCentral, SCOPUS,INSPEC, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, CSA, ProQuest, CAB International, ASFA, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, EI-Compendex, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Global Health, Indian Science Abstracts, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SClmago, Summon by ProQuest, Vitis - Viticulture and Enology Abstracts Instructions for Authors for J Food Sci Technol are availabe
Issue Date: Feb-2023
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-60;Number-2
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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