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dc.contributor.authorSahoo, Sharmila-
dc.description.abstractBuckling of composite stiffened cylindrical shell panels having cutout is analyzed using the finite element approach. Shell panel and stiffeners are modeled using first-order shear deformation theory and considering displacement compatibility at the stiffener-panel interface. Convergence and validation studies are conducted to establish the accuracy of the present approach. An attempt is made to maximize the uniaxial and biaxial buckling loads by varying the lamination, boundary conditions, load position, depth of stiffeners, and their arrangements. Parametric studies show that buckling load and mode shapes depend on the size of cutout, ratio of shell width to thickness, degree of orthotropy, and fiber orientation angle. The parametric variations considered here may help the practicing engineers to have an elaborate design aid for improving the buckling strength of such shell panels.en_US
dc.publisherPart C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol : 236;Issue : 22-
dc.titleBuckling behavior of laminated composite stiffened cylindrical shell panels having cutout for different parametric variationsen_US
dc.title.alternative(In) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineersen_US
Appears in Collections:Civil Engineering (Publications)

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