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Page-4563-Natural fruits based ready to serve (RTS) beverages: a review M. Rathinasamy . S. Ayyasamy . S. Velusamy . A. Suresh
Page-4570-Recent trends and developments of PCR-based methods for the detection of food-borne Salmonella bacteria and Norovirus N.A. Chin- N.T. Salihah . P. Shivanand . M.U. Ahmed
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Page-4685-Fungal community and physicochemical profiles of ripened cheeses from the Canastra of Minas Gerais, Brazil M.O. Aragao· S.R Evangelista- F.RF. Passamani . J.P.M. Guimaraes . L.R. Abreu- L.R Batista
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Page-4794-Enhancement of lutein content in Calendula officinalis Linn. By solid-state fermentation with lactobacillus species Z. Rahman· V. Aeri
Page-4801-nfluence of quince seed mucilage-alginate composite hydrogel coatings on quality of fresh walnut kernels during refrigerated storage S. Yousuf- S.S. Maktedar
Page-4812-Fabrication of electrospun gum Arabic-polyvinyl alcohol blend nanofibers for improved viability of the probiotic F. Fareed . F. Saeed- M. Afzaal . A. Imran . A. Ahmad- K. Mahmood- Y.A. Shah· M. Hussain· H. Ateeq
Page-4822-The relationship between physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of Surk cheese Y. Esen . O. Turgay
Page-4833-Physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory properties of Mango Sorbet containing L-theanine as a potential functional food product 1.Williams· N.M. D'Cunha . 1. Kellett . E.N. Georgousopoulou . AJ. McKune· D.D. Mellor N. Naumovski
Page-4844-ariations in nutritional quality and fatty acids composition of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) during canning process in grape seed and olive oils N. Bouriga· W. Rjiba Bahri . S. Mill . S. Massoudi . J.-P. Quignard· M. Trabelsi
Page-4853-mpact of the droplet size of canola oil-in-water emulsions on the rheology and sensory acceptability of reduced-milk fat stirred yogurt D. Trujillo-Ramirez· 1. Olivares-Martinez· C. Lobato-Calleros . E. Rodriguez-Huezo . . E. Jaime Vernon-Carter· J. Alvarez-Rartiirez
Page-4863-Chlorine dioxide gas mediated inactivation of the biofilm cells of S. Kim . S. Park
Page-4870-Soy yogurt using Lactobacillus plantarum 200655 and fructooligosaccharides: neuroprotective effects against oxidative stress G.-H. Choi . H.-J. Bock· N.-K. Lee· H.-D. Paik
Page-4880-Biogenic amine production from processed animal and plant protein-based foods contaminated with Escherichia coli and Enterococcus feacalis 0.0. Akpomie . B.O. Ejechi . A.M. Banach- I. Adewuyi· E.D. Ayobola K.G. Akpomie· S. Ghosh- S. Ahmad
Page-4889-Characterization of different parts of litchi fruit using UHPLC-QExactive Orbitrap D. Oulkar . K. Singh- B. Naraya
Page-4907-Human lactoferrin from breast milk: characterization by HPLC and its in vitro antibiofilm performance K.J. Parra-Saavedra· A.M. Macias-Lamas- J.M. Silva-Jara . J.R. Solis-Pacheco· P.C. Ortiz-Lazareno . B.R. Aguilar-Uscanga
Page-4915-Effect of herbal extracts and supplement mixture on alcohol metabolism in Sprague Dawley-rats H. Choe . 1. Yun . Y. Kim . J.-H. Lee· H.-A. Shin . Y.-K. Lee . M.- Y. Kim
Page-4924-Morphological and thermo-mechanical characterization of sweet potato starch based nanocomposites reinforced with barley starch nanoparticles S. Kumari . B.S. Yadav . R. Yadav
Issue Date: Dec-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-59;Number-12
ISSN: 0022-1155
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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