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REVIEW ARTICLES Harmful compounds of soy milk: characterization and reduction strategies N. Mollakhalili-Meybodi• M. Arab• L. Zare Maltooligosaccharide forming amylases and their applications in food and pharma industry VK. Shinde . K.R Vamkudoth ORIGINAL ARTICLES Anti-diabetic and anti-cancer related health food properties of selected Sri Lankan traditional rice based porridges N. Thushara• P. Malawiarachchi . S.R Samarakoon• P.I. Godakumbura Development of fortified probiotic dairy desserts with added date extract, whey protein, inulin, folic acid, vitamin D and calcium F. Hemmati . A. Abbasi• A Bedeltavana . M. Akbari . V Baeghbali . S.M. Mazloomi Investigation on the effect of thermal sterilization versus non-thermal sterilization on the quality parameters of jujube juice fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum L. Zhang• M. Zha . S. Li . W. Zong Growth and survival of Bifulobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum in various sugar systems with fructooligosaccharide supplementation P.Parhi . K.P. Song• W.S. Choo A quantitative and qualitative investigation of the impact of irradiation on the physico-chemical of pointed gourd during storage S.Yashi . S.K. Ghosh- AD. Semwal Formulation of plant-based food and characterisation of the nutritional composition: A case study on soy-moringa beverage VV Matabura• L.M.P. Rweyemamu Development and characterization of lactose-free probiotic goat milk beverage with bioactive rich jambo pulp N.G. Araujo- I.M. Barbosa T.L.S. Lima- RT. Moreira H.R. Cardarelli Production of synbiotic Doogh enriched with Plantago psyllium mucilage S.S. Arabshahi . M. Sedaghati Cereal bar functionalised with non-conventional alfalfa and dhaincha protein isolates: quality characteristics, nutritional composition and antioxidant activity P. Sahni . S. Sharma B. Singh• H. Bobade Multiresponse optimization of physical, chemical, and sensory properties of the gluten-free cake made with whole white quinoa flour E. Nakilcioglu . S. Otles A study on the shelf life of cookies incorporated with sapota and beetroot leaf powders S.Z. Asadi M.A Khan• S. Zaidi Novel application of ultrasound and microwave-assisted methods for aqueous extraction of coconut oil and proteins L.P. Martfnez-Padilla- FS. Hernandez-Rojas• M.G. Sosa-Herrera• P. Juliano Utilization and characterization of flaxseed oil in ultrasonically emulsified mango beverage G. Ghoshal . S. Singh- R Sharma Pre milling debranning of wheat with a commercial system to improve flour quality R Barroso Lopes- E. Salman Posner• A Alberti . I. Mottin Demiate Synbiotic microencapsulation of Enterococcus faecium Rpl: a potential probiotic isolated from ragi porridge with anti proliferative property against colon carcinoma cell line G. Ashwanandhini . R Reshma• R. Preetha Process optimization for simultaneous production of phenolic acids and enzymes with high transfructosylation activity in cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum) residue by submerged fermentation with Aspergillus carbonarius RG.C. Barros• U.c. Pereira- J.K.S. Andrade• J.P. Nogueira- C.S. de Oliveira- N. Narain Effect of ultrasound-assisted pretreatment in combination with heating on characteristics and antioxidant activities of protein hydrolysate from edible bird's nest co-product K. Chantakun• S. Benjakul Bacterial diversity of traditional fermented food, ldli by high thorough-put sequencing D. Kavitake . MV Suryavanshi . S. Kandasamy . P.B. Delli• Y Shouche• P.H. Shetty Investigation of effect of cold plasma on microbial load and physicochemical properties of ready-to-eat sliced chicken sausage F Zeraatpisheh . F Tabatabaei Yazdi "F Shahidi Phenotypic diversity of nutritional quality attributes and chilling injury symptoms in four early peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] cultivars grown in west central Tunisia W Abidi . R. Akrimi Incorporation of hydrogen into the packaging atmosphere protects the nutritional, textural and sensorial freshness notes of strawberries and extends shelf life D. Alwazeer . N. Ozkan Effect of partial substitution of tomato for avocado on physico-chemical and sensory aspects of sweet-and-sour sauce WFS. Pereira• T. De Oliveira Lemos• Y.K.G. Abreu AG.D. de Vasconcelos• RA Pinto• A.L.F Pereira Effects of zinc oxide nano particle on fortified tilapia mince during refrigerated storage (4 ± 1 "C) K. Pati . S. Chowdhury• K.c. Dora• P. Murrnu . S. Nath Mathematical modelling and characterization of drying of pre-treated sweet corn (Zea mays L.) kernels N. Kumar• K. Sagar- N. Seth Exploring the potential of paper-based analytical sensors for tea geographical origin authentication M. Perez-Rodriguez• M.P. Cailizares-Macfas Cadmium exposure in population: alcoholic beverage consumption and health risk assessment O. Kaplan Ince• M. Ince• A. anal Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitory activity and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) secretion in arsenically safe pigmented red rice (Oryza sativa L.) and its product D. Samyor• D. Calderwood- M. Carey -A.B. Das• B.D. Green- S.C. Deka Comparison of non-volatile flavor compounds in Stropharia rugosoannulata soup processed by different methods Q. Lu . S. Wang• S. Xue . D. Yang• L. Li Physicochemical and nutritional properties of yogurt emulsion with Iycopene during chilled storage J. Chen- C.-H.- Y. Yuan• W-c. Li . L. Zhao . Y-B. Huang H.-H. Li . G. Liu . H. Ni . Y. Raik Development of a food colorant from Syzygium cumini L. (Skeels) by spray drying FM. Gaibor• D. Rodriguez• M.A:'Oarcfa• C,M: Peraza D. Vidal- A Nogueira- A Casariego Characteristics and qualities of edible bird's nest beverage as affected by thermal pasteurization and sterilization K. Chantakun . S. Benjakul Grapefruit and pomelo peel extracts as natural antioxidants for improved storage stability of Turkey patties during refrigerated storage A.S. Babaoglu . T. Ainiwaer . H. Ozkan . M. Karakaya The effect of organic acids and storage temperature on lite salad dressing rheology and Zygosaccharomyces parabailii growth A.D. Meldrum- G. VnW• H. Joyner Putrescine with Aloe vera gel coating improves bioactive compounds and quality of table grape under cold storage A Ehtesham Nia . S. Taghipour . S. Siahmansour Development and validation of a GC-MS method for analysis of Dithiocarbamate Fungicide residues in the Spices Cardamom (EleUaria cardamomom) and black pepper (Piper nigrum) RB. Natarajan . J.T. Kakkasery . R Arirnboor . J. Jacob B. Thankan Characterization of aroma-active compounds in Dongli by quantitative descriptive analysis, gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography-olfactometry J.-N. Chen- H.-T. Han• c.r. Liu• Q. Gao• X.-W Wang• J.-W Zhang• M. Tanokura• Y-L. Xue Modifying textural and functional characteristics of fish (Nemipterusjaponicus) mince using high pressure technology S. Kunnath . B. Jaganath• S.K. Panda C.N. Ravishankar• Y. Gudipati Evaluating the ability of rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry to differentiate beef palatability based on consumer preference C. Zhai- B. Schilling• J.E. Prenni . J.e. Brooks . J.F. Legako• R.K. Miller• MJ. Hemandez-Sintharakao . C.L. Gifford- R. Delmore- M.N. Nair
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-59;Number-10 Publisher- Springer
ISSN: 0022-1155
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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