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REVIEW ARTICLES Low calorie cocoa-based products: a short review C. Joseph• R Batra P. Selvasekaran . R. Chidambaram Applications of ultrasound techniques in tandem with non-destructive approaches for the quality evaluation of edible oils M.R. Zarezadeh . M. Aboonajrni . M. Ghaserni- Varnarnkhasti ORIGINAL ARTICLES Effect of ozone and antimicrobial treatments on the shelf life of cauliflower under modified atmosphere packaging V. Fasake . S.K Dash• K Dhalsamant . N.R Sahoo . U.S. Pal Separation of tocol (tocopherol & tocotrienol) and phytosterols from palm fatty acid distillate by saponification and purification by low temperature solvent crystallization A.J. Gore• S.S. Bhagwat PSome physical, functional and anti nutrients of breakfast cereals from blends of guinea corn, pigeon pea and mango flour using mixture-process design M.M. Anchang• G.I. Okafor Online trypsin digestion coupled with LC-MS/MS for detecting of Al and A2 types of jJ-casein proteins in pasteurized milk using biomarker pep tides D. Guo . X. Deng . S. Gu . N. Chen• X. Zhang S. Wang Impact of Stevia rebaudiana substitution on physico-chemical characteristics, sensory profile and microstructure in selected Indian desserts N. Pai Kotebagilu . S. Umralkar . L.M. Shivanna . I. Dasappa . A. Urooj Presence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in samarella (tsamarella), a traditional dried-cured meat of Cyprus B.H. Ulusoy . C. Hecer• S. SaYlller• F. Kaya Yildmm Blends of palm kernel oil, soybean oil and palm stearin as an alternative to milk fat for frozen dessert application T. Hasan- Y.Y. Thoo . CL, Chew- P.S. Kong L.F. Siow Nutritional properties and amlno acid profile of buckwheat bread . " S. Kowalski- A. Mikulec- B. Mickowska K Buksa Impact of a novel probiotic Lactobacillus strain isolated from the bee gut on GAB A content, antioxidant activity, and potential cytotoxic activity against HT-29 cell line of rice bran M. Ghamry . A.F. Ghazal . Q.A. Al-Maqtqri . L. Li . W. Zhao Screening and identification of biogenic amine oxidase producing strains in Sanchuan Ham and their effect on biogenic amine accumulation Y. Zhang• Z. Li . Y. Hu . J. Gong Flavored Amazonic pirarucu (Arapaima giga) waste flour (salted and sweet) for inclusion in food products S.S. Correa G.G. Oliveira- F.v. dos Santos M.F. Coradini . L.F. de Souza Alves• M.A. Matiucci . E. Gasparino• E.S. dos Reis Goes- A.C. Feihrrnann . M.L.R de Souza Flash vacuum expansion: an alternative with potential for Ataulfo and Manila mango processing U.R Marin-Castro• M. Salgado-Cervantes• D. Pallet• M. Vargas-Ortiz• A. Servent Effect of probiotic fermentation on physico-chemical and nutritional parameters of milk-cereal based composite substrate S. Ganguly• L. Sabikhi . A.K. Singh Sardine oil loaded vanillic acid grafted chitosan microparticles improves the in vivo antioxidant , haematological and lipid profile K.V. Vishnu- KK Ajeeshkumar . RG. Lekshmi . N.S. Chatterjee- B. Ganesan• R Anandan• S. Mathew• C.N. Ravishankar Dietary fibre in processed murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) berries: bioactive components and antioxidant capacity L.S. Gomez-Perez- N. Moraga- K.S. Ah-Hen• A. Rodriguez• A. Vega-Galvez Product development of ice cream stick from raw banana powder J. Rukijkanpanich . S. Srininrat Effect of sodium bicarbonate on textural properties and acceptability of gel from unwashed Asian sea bass mince A. Singh- N. Buamard . A. Zhou . S. Benjakul Optimization of the color masking and coating unit operations for microencapsulating ferrous fumarate for double fortification of salt O. Modupe . Y.O. Li . L.L. Diosady Prediction of maize flour adulteration in chickpea flour (besan) using near infrared spectroscopy M. BaIa• S. Sethi- S. Sharma D. Mridula G. Kaur Antimicrobial, sealable and biodegradable packaging to maintain the quality of shredded carrots and pineapple juice during storage A. Pietrosanto . C. Leneveu-Jenvrin . L. Incarnato . P. Scarfato• F. Remize Development of rice analogues using by-products of rice and dhal mills A. Ganachari• U. Nidoni . S. Hiregoudar• K.T. Ramappa N. Naik• S. Vanishree• P.F. Mathad Assessment of cactus pear leather (pestil) as a new snack food B. Incedayi . N. Dogan- O.v. Copur Intensified synthesis of a triglyceride of octanoic acid using sonication and assessment of its frying characteristics H.B. Jadhav - P. Gogate• U. Annapure Preparation, characterization and stability of nanoliposomes loaded with pep tides from defatted walnut (]uglans regia L.) meal G. Zhang- S. Fang• J.M. Regenstein• F. Wang Simultaneous distribution of aflatoxins Bl and B2, and fumonisin Bl in corn fractions during dry and wet-milling K.c. Massarolo . P. Rodrigues- C.FJ. Ferreira L. Kupski . E. Badiale-Furlong "Improved quality assessment of cornelian cherry (Comus mas L.) fruit with regard to their processing potential" M. Gossinger . F. Kuenz . S. Wendelin . K. Korntheuer . H. Jager• L. Wurrn . M. Graf Optimization of formulation and process conditions of chestnut-based functional beverage using response surface methodology B. Usta-Gorgun . L. Yilmaz-Ersan . S. Sabin , Influence of processing on bioactive compounds, Type-If diabetes related enzyme regulation potential and antiurolithiatic potential of underutilized legume Macrotyloma uniflorum R. Vashishth• A.D. Semwal• M.P. Murugan• Md.A. Khan . C. Goel Physico-chemical and color parameters to distinguish cow ghee from buffalo ghee S. Mor . V. Sharma- S. Arora P.S. Minz Cannabidiol improves thyroid function via modulating vitamin D3 receptor in vitamin D3 deficiency diet-induced rat model M.K. Trivedi- S. Mondal . S. Jana Effect of the cold pre-fermentative maceration and aging on lees times on the phenolic compound profile, antioxidant capacity and color of red sparkling wines A.P.A. Barros- LS. Silva• i.c. Correa A.c.T. Biasoto Influence of thermal treatments on the antioxidant activity of hemp cake polar extracts E. Zago . R. Nandasiri . U. Thiyam-Hollander . N.A. Michael Eskin Influence of processing conditions on quality of Indian small grey donkey milk powder by spray drying C.M. Nayak - c.T. Ramachandra• U. Nidoni• S. Hiregoudar . J. Ram . N.M. Naik The identification of antioxidant and ACE-I pep tides in different turk ish ripened cheeses N. Turan• M.Z. Durak Migration study of chemical additives from low density polyethylene (LDPE) into dahi K. Chapke• K. Gandhi- K. Lata R. Sharma• B. Mann• N. Singh
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-59;Number-8
ISSN: 0022-1155
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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