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RNA• and miRNA•interference to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in plants R. Tiwari- M.V. Rajam Potassium: a vital nutrient mediating stress tolerance in plants S. MahiwaI . G.K. Pandey ORIGINALARTICLES Revealing the genetic diversity of teosinte lntrogressed maize population by morphometric traits and microsatellite markers S. Adhikari . A. Joshi• A. Kumar• N.K. Singh- J.P. Jaiswal . A.S. Jeena Genome-wide identification, structural analysis, and expression profiles of the BZR gene family in tomato B. Wang• X. Zhu . X. Wei Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPBs) and copper (ll) oxide (CuO) nanoparticle ameliorates DNA damage and DNA Methylation in wheat (Trilicum aestivum L.) exposed to NaCI stress A. Hosseinpour . E. llhan . G. Ozkan- a.t. Ozturk . K. Haliloglu . K.T.Cinisli De novo transcriptome analyses reveal multiple metabolic pathways for L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis under drought stress in Pugionium cornutum (L.) Gaertn Z. Yang• X. Zhang• F. Zhang• L. Hao . J. Pang Exogenous NaCI salt elicitor improves centelloside content and physio-morphological adaptations in indian pennywort (CenteUa asiatica) P. Pipatsitee . P. Praseartkul . C. Theerawitaya . K. Taota . R. Tisarum . H.P. Singh- S. Cha-um Development, validation and application of RP-HPLC method for quantitative estimation of wedelolactone in different accessions and plant parts of Eclipta alba (L.) B.A. Kumar• V.K. Rao . K.H. Bindu . M.R. Rohini . Shivak:umar Untargeted metabolomics reveals differences between commercial and non-commercial Camellia sinensis cuItivars used in black tea production C. Nyarukowa . M. van Reenen . R. Koech . S. Mason• Z. Lindeque . S. Kamunya . R. Mose . Z. Apostolides Genome-wide analysis of tomato WIP family genes and their response to salt stress under glutathione treatment Y. Zhou• X. Zhong• J. Huo• W. Zhang• J. Deng• T. Zhang• K. Liu Uncovering expression and functional analysis of newly discovered high-affinity K+ transporter family members from sugarcane H. Luo . C. Huang• Y. Wei . H. Zhu . H. Cao . S. Jiang• Z. Deng . K. Wu . L. Xu Nutritional supremacy of pearl- and foxtail millets: assessing the nutrient density, protein stability and shelf-life of flours in millets and cereals for developing nutri-stable foods R.R. Kumar• N. Singh- S. Singh• T. Vinutha . V. Krishnan- S. Goswami . B. Kumar S.L. Jat• L.N. Yogeesh• S.P. Singh- G.P. Mishra C. Tara Satyavathi . A. Sachdev . S. Praveen Heat shock enhanced Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated T-DNA delivery to potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) A. Kaur• M.S. Reddy- A. Kumar Mechanism of molecules crosstalk and the critical role of jasmonic acid on triterpenoid synthesis in Cyclocarya Paliurus cells under Aspergillus niger elicitor M. Wang• D. Tang• Q. Xiong• J. Chen• X. Xu . Q. Zhang• J. Li . X. Zhou . Z. Yin Genome editing of indica rice ASD16 for imparting resistance against rice tungro disease ~'. " Y. Kumam . G. Rajadurai . K.K. Kumar• S. Varanavasiappan . M.K. Reddy' D. Krishnaveni . S.K. Mangrauthia . M. Raveendran . L. Ami . E. Kokiladevi . D. Sudhakar In-vitro phytochemical analysis of essential oil and methanolic and hydromethanolic extracts of Ocimum gratissimum F. Zareiyan . H. Khajehsharifi Effects of ultraviolet light and methyl salicylate on some phenological and agronomic and morphological characteristics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) P.T.T. Ha . N.T.B. Tran . N.T.N. Tram- L.T. Duy . M.T. Nha Differential transcriptional activation of copia family of different plant retrotransposons S. Mukherjee- D. Sharma- K.C. Upadhyaya Identification, expression analysis, and potential roles of microRNAs in the regulation of polysaccharide biosynthesis in Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua K. Ma• S. Zhang- L. Zhao• C. Wang• Y. Shi• Q. Yang• J. Wu Molecular identification of the economically important Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum (Solanaceae) using DNA barcodes r.c. Cadavid . C.E. Giraldo- N. Balbinott . M.A. Gonzalez- S.l. Uribe . H.J. de Boer Allantoin mediated regulation of miRNAs for short term salinity stress tolerance in Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-29 J. Nishad . A.K. Panda• S. Chowrasia . C. Nirmala . T.K. Mondal SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Chemical or enzymatic deglycosylation and germination abrogates the inhibitory activity of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba trypsin inhibitor P. Patidar . M. Bhayal . S. Hajela . K. Hajela Vandachostylis 'Sri-Siam': an intergeneric hybrid with superior qualities as evidenced by its biochemical fragrance and transcriptome profiles A.R. Mohd-Hairul . J. Ong-Abdullah . A.A.-L. Song• H.L. Foo . P. Namasivayam . R.A. Rahim
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-31;Number-4
ISSN: 0971-7811
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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